Gifting a Song

Sitting quietly enough, still as such, we listen with an attentive ear. Cluttered by the day infusing our song with natural sounds of our surroundings…often trumped by a certain song played on our favorite media source.

Time lapse while sharing a seat with a favorite tree or specific natural setting, we are reminded of moments in time. Time travel of sorts, if you will, from song to song as we clear our thoughts, escaping our day and losing ourselves into a world of vibratory match.

Clear our thoughts, No Mind, the purity of the song emerges as if the birds, squirrels, passing by fox gifting a new song as the Canvas of Life was meant to be heard. Unaltered, as if the animal kingdom is speaking through a magical force.

This morning, while having morning coffee, I am reminded of this as little ‘Red’ scurries about the yard. Red squirrel gifting to the world, sharing a song to me and whomever wants to listen.

Thank you for the gift…Ani Po

Do Not Disturb

As natural born healers we give, give, give…depleting our batteries and eventually needing recharge. Whether helping someone with a business proposal, quarter end financials or holding a hand with someone in need of physical or mental healing.

There may be times when we take on too much and need a little downtime to recover and recharge. It takes courage to hang the “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door but eventually it becomes a new norm.

With practice we become more aware of when downtime is needed. No matter the level on consciousness or awareness, all sentient beings have proven a necessity for taking time in the desert, in the woods or sitting quietly on a beach reading a book.

Dare to hang the sign, whether literally on a door or figuratively on a beach…beach sounds more appealing…

Ani Po