
Nowhere else to turn,

But inward.

Heart does not differentiate,

Living an illusory life.

Be Happy,

Our key to Happiness.

Happy Life,

Stopping time.

Invisible to the eye,

Inward retreat to gain clarity.

Walking intently,

Walking with Love.

Day long obsession,


Painting our own nature.

Music in the Soul,

Unleashing true strength.

Stepping into the Canvas in submission. Submitting to all there is, we come to an embodiment of all there is. Seek and ye shall find; see and it shall be so. We are this and we are that, we are what we choose to be. What we choose for the day shall be made so…because we said so…


True Strength

True strength comes not in mastering another…but thyself.~Ani Po

We are not here to be better than any one person but the self. True mastery comes in the realization that we are no longer better than anybody, but we obtain true mastery in bettering the self.

Stepping into the Canvas mastering thyself. Each new day is an opportunity of self-discovery. In discovering the self, we are acknowledging the true self within. Awakening the true self, we unleash unlimited potentiality…

true strength