Heart Does Not Differentiate

While everything exists in the mind the heart does not differentiate.~Ani Po

While the headmind tries to solve or recreate a non-existing reality, it falls short of understanding what is and what is not. It calls upon the aid of the Heartmind to decipher or recode the headmind to an understanding of things. In unison they are a force to be reckoned.

Stepping into the Canvas without understanding but mere acceptance of what is or is not as unlimited possibilities. We are not here to figure things out. We are here to feel and experience the many differences while accepting them as the same…

heart does not differentiate

Nowhere Else To Turn

Stand Still. the trees ahead and bushes beside you

Are not lost. Wherever you are is called


And you must treat it as a powerful stranger,

Must ask permission to know it and be


The forest breathes. Listen. It answers,

I have made this place around you.

If you leave it, you may come back again,

Saying Here.

No two trees are the same to Raven.

No two branches are the same to Wren.

If what a tree or a bush does is lost on


You are truly lost. Stand still. The forest


Where you are. You must let it find you.

~David Wagoner

Helpless, afraid and alone…we come to a place of not knowing. We are numb or frozen in a dark reality made common to us. We have accepted this reality for it is all we know…so we continue the defeat, self-sabotage and projecting our fears onto others.

Today is the day it all changes. Today is the day we choose differently. Like a director changing a scene from a major motion film, we are able to pick and choose the scenes of our next film. Yes, we are the director of our own film and we are to choose which scenes are cut and which make final production.

Truly there is nothing we need to do and there is never anything we “must” do, but our heart desires something greater so we heed its call with great passion for changing our life story. We can choose to remain as we are, and there is nothing wrong with staying where you are, or we can choose to recreate a life filled with magic and awe.

Just as the Raven sees no two similar of trees, we too shall see many mysteries of life unfold. While similarities do exist on plains of existence, we see things with fresh new perspective as if everything was seen for the first time.

If we get lost, we simply return to the place of knowing we are not lost. If lose our way, ask for redirection. No where to turn, no body to understand our needs…where then must we go? There is no where to go but now here. Return to the wilderness, that forest which resides the most special place within the Canvas of Life. Look outward whilst first looking inward.

Stepping into the Canvas with nowhere else to turn…we fall to our knees. Falling to our knees, asking for safe passage to the forest of all knowledge. A place of safe keeping and where all answers come from. From no where to now here…we arrive…

no where to turn