Focus to see the Light

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.~Aristotle Onassis

Sitting quietly in the dark, as I usually do each morning, a simple lesson comes forth. While sitting in our own darkness, we can either struggle to see the light or wait patiently for our eyes to adjust to the light already present.

Literally and metaphorically, if we simply sit and allow our eyes to adjust, any situation shall shed light on our darkened moments. In our darkest moments our light shines the brightest.


Canvas is Painted

Surrounded by people setting new goals or intentions of the new year. Some still going strong and others failed right out of the gate. While some still making excuses as to when they will start with their new years resolutions.

As for me, I do not typically set new years resolutions…for each new day I arise with a set of intentions for the day. Whether I meet those expectations or not, it is promised to be a joyous day. Regardless of my encounters or others involvement, I choose to remain in a space of peace, love and joy. Sounds cliché doesn’t it?! What if that was the outcome of our days, simply by setting an intention of joy…it is so?!

It truly is that easy. There are those who will argue the many factors as to why our days are not always easy to remain in happiness. Again…a choice. No matter what happens throughout the day…No Matter What…we have the choice to remain in happiness. While the world around us collapses, we simply take things as they come…finding joy in every breath.

How does one come to a place of happiness? How does one change their outlook for each new day? There are many ways to arrive, but we must choose to take the first step.

Here is a simple way of changing an attitude towards our day, which inadvertently changes our motivation for the day…increasing joy received and shared with those around us. This morning I noticed a neighbor boy with a little notebook. When I asked him what it was, he explained “my parents want me to write things I enjoy about my day.”

This young man is nine years old, carrying a journal and writing in things he is grateful for. Wow! although he was told to do it, he graciously accepted the challenge. With each new day he fills in the pages with positive thoughts and words of gratitude. In three days I have noticed a great change in this young man. Whether he sticks with it is another story, but so far so good. Kudos to these awesome parents for sharing a great lesson with their child.

I have witnessed similar enthusiasm in older folks setting new years resolutions, whether for physical or mental health changes necessary for healthy living. Starting out with great enthusiasm and slowly the fizzle begins to shizzle, leaving them with another lost battle. Is it lost? Nah. This is only a concept of the head mind, believing there is good or evil, right or wrong. There really isn’t…except a choice of who we are, how we accept the self and those around us.

So whether one is goal oriented or not, what will be will be. Kudos to those who do set New Year’s resolutions and kudos to those who do not…kudos to those who have found peace in their days. As for me…I would love to share this peace with you…

Stepping into the Canvas with intentions of peace, love and joy. It is through thoughts and intentions the Canvas is painted…why not brush it with some beautiful colors?!

Canvas is Painted