Stepping into the Extraordinary

stepping out

With each new day we have a choice to live as authentically as we can, ignoring beliefs of old. Stepping into the new, creating a life we were meant to enjoy and accepting beliefs of a new era.

The first step towards happiness is often the most difficult, for we cannot let go of our old beliefs. Let go now…witness the shift towards happiness. Once the first step is taken, the taste of freedom shall be ours and we will not go back to the way we were. The next step towards happiness is easier, the next even easier…and so on.

With a new outlook on life, everything will taste sweeter, smell better and will feel freer than ever before. Listen to the voice within…it is saying, “Now is the Time.” Take the step towards happiness and one day declare “Ani Po.”

(*Ani Po is Hebrew for “I Am Here”)

Stepping into the Canvas is about taking the first steps into the Canvas of Life.  It is said that God is the Creator and nature is His Canvas. In a world of technologies, distractions and light-speed evolution, we remain in darkness. Truth is laid before us, falsely, by our collective whole.

This is an invitation to step out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary.  We are not meant to be suppressed and controlled, fearful and miserable, alone and scared, hateful and destructive. No. Instead we are meant to be free. Free to Love unconditionally, creating the life we were meant to enjoy. Instead of divide and conquer, we shall come together as One.

It is time to make a choice:  stay in misery or choose a path of happiness; listen to the voice within or listen to the others without; move towards an active side of infinity or stay on the inactive list; accept positivity or remain in negative beliefs. Everything is merely a choice and every choice needs action.

Imagine, for a moment, that the Creator has given you a clean Canvas to paint whatever you desire. What would be on this painting? This is your opportunity to paint The Best You Now…grab the brush and start painting already. You know what you want!

If you can think it, you can create it.  If you can create it, you can paint it.  If you can paint it, your dreams will come true.  If you make a mistake on this Canvas, allow yourself to paint over or scrape away the excess.  The only rule of painting is to apply your whole Heart and Soul when approaching the Canvas of Life. Applying this simple rule…dormant forces shall come alive.

Stepping Into The Canvas as a Work in Progress, allowing colors to be misused, strokes unorthodox and an occasional redo to take place. The Canvas of Life is there to teach us we are not perfect and in our imperfections we are. With every mistake, we are presented a new opportunity to make it right. Master the painting, master the self.

Clearing the Canvas

With each new day comes opportunity for letting go, allowing room for a brighter future. Whatever baggage we carry, shall keep us from enjoying freedom of No Baggage. With more baggage, comes more clutter in the Canvas of Life.

Letting go of baggage requires wiping the Canvas clean and beginning anew. With each new day another opportunity, so shall it be. What a great time to plan ahead… the time is now.

The Now presents a perfect time for evaluation of not only mind or body, but equally exercising the spirit. Along with our regular goals, at the start of each new day, it is a good time to re-evaluate the spiritual path. Are you still clinging on to past beliefs of anger, fear or anything related to negativity? If so, chances are that your goals will be self-sabotaged anyways. Time to clean house!

Taking personal inventory of life:

• Forgive oneself for past behaviors.

• Ask others for forgiveness.

• Stop trying to figure things out.

• Follow gut feelings always.

• Center oneself in a Heart of Compassion.

The last of these being the most crucial as it will aid on the other four. When we center ourselves with a Heart of Compassion, everything begins aligning with source energy. We vibrate naturally at a level of Love: eliminating all self-defeating beliefs; letting go of pent-up regret; following, effortlessly, our dreams; flowing peacefully as that of a river; finally seeing our Brothers and Sisters as One.

We can exercise our mind and body as much as we can, but without faith we have nothing.  It is our mind that allows us to think, our body that clears the way, but it is the Spirit that drives us effortlessly along the journey of life. The weaker the spirit, the more difficult the journey: The stronger the Spirit, the gentler the journey.

”When we focus our energy towards constructing a passionate, meaningful life, we are tossing a pebble into the world, creating a beautiful ripple effect of inspiration. When one person follows a dream, tries something new or takes a daring leap, everyone nearby feels that energy, and before too long they are making their own daring leaps and inspiring yet another circle.” ~Christine Mason Miller

While the pilgrim chooses to paint over the Canvas of Life, masking His past expression of Life, the Warrior wipes the Canvas clean, allowing a new perspective on Life to present itself in Her painting.

We often worry about cleaning another person’s home, when our own needs attention.What good is cleaning another, when ours is neglected? ~Joseph

Stepping into the Canvas with a Clean Canvas, clearing our thoughts of doubt, anger or fear. Centering on our faith, everything returns to the way it was before the beginning…allowing us to declare, ”All is Good.”

waterfall jump

Falling into the Canvas

It is not enough to take part in the Canvas of Life, but more important to fall into the canvas with whole heart and soul. What does it mean to fall into the canvas? It means not just stepping into the canvas while actively participating in the canvas, but being an active participant with continuous intention of actively participating in the canvas AND creating the life that is most Desired while enjoying every aspect of the canvas.

From the darkened clouds painted on the canvas to the neon fluorescent and radiating colors, we are to create lives as we choose not as others choose. Whenever a painter paints it is through his own interpretation of the Universe, but when others analyze His work they attach their own interpretation.

If we only see one side of the painting, we miss the creator’s intent.  See the beauty of all the varying colors/varying interpretations and lose yourself in the many mysteries that lay before you in the canvas.

Where does one begin?  Put down the blackberry.  Hang up the cellphone.  Stop texting for moment. Just sit and ’be’ for a moment, allowing the true nature to fill your soul. Can’t do it?! Then take a weekend and spend some needed time in the woods. Maybe it is time for a retreat?!

It is about taking time to enjoy the beauty of nature…returning back to Mother Earth and being one. Many will oppose this idea, but eventually will need some necessary downtime or as I like to call it…’Me Time.’ during this me time is the one way we can bridge the gap between us and the Universe.

Stepping Into the Canvas choose to fall into it with whole heart and soul.  Lend a hand, an ear or a friendly smile. Do what you want today not what others say ’you should’ do. Stay away from the trap of pleasing others, but please only yourself. Today I will not only step, but will fall into the canvas.

seeing that which is good

Seeing Beyond the Canvas

Seeing beyond the canvas is about seeing Life as something far greater than our conditioned lives. We were taught happiness comes from going to school, establishing a career and living the American Dream by purchasing our own home. While achieving all of this something still remains missing. What is this void we all yearn to fill? It is the void of Truth. The void of Truth is the empty feeling we have when we continually seek more of something that gives us a false sense of goodness.

We get a house, a couple of cars and maybe some nice little toys.  We are happy for a moment, but continue to battle bouts of depression, anger, fear and sadness. Something is still missing.

Walking in the Flesh, the Orgasm lasts a mere Second. Walking in Spirit…an Eternity! ~Joseph

The void is our lack of happiness or self-actualization of being ’On Purpose.’ We must learn to accept happiness no matter the circumstance, seeing silver-linings in every cloud. Have you ever noticed some of the really successful people and their lives painting a perfect picture? At first glance they seem to be happy, whilst having it all. As we look deeper or time unveils, we hear of a terrible breakup or separation, they were never really happy, or have addictions to prescription drugs. There is a small population that has it all, but more importantly have found Happiness and live on the level of the heart. At this level…All Things are Possible.

”Never look up to the people who have the painted-perfect lives, because try as they might, can never see beyond the canvas.” Moira Hallsom

It is possible to have it all: the big house, loving family, and more money than we know what to do with, but meaningless without finding happiness. People try to buy happiness, but as I stated earlier”As we walk in flesh, the Orgasm lasts for a mere second.” Walking in flesh focuses on meeting the lower of Maslows Hierarchy of Physical pleasures; while walking in Spirit focuses on higher needs of self-actualization. Find Happiness, enjoying all that life has to offer. Once established, we can co-create the life we want.

Stepping into the Canvas we admire the beauty God has painted, accepting it for what it is while co-creating a painting to our desires. Seeing Beyond the Canvas sheds light to painted pictures and their imperfections. When we see the canvas for what it truly is we accept them as imperfectly perfect as our own, but enjoying the beauty that life has to offer. Focus on our own Canvas, Painting that which we most desire.

So where do we align ourselves? Do we align with the material gains and the Flesh? or do we align with the Higher Self of Spirit, obtaining all that we ever dreamed of? Dare to Step Into the Canvas today, living the life meant to…taking an active role in creation.


Illusion of Self


There comes a time in everyone’s life, when a self-evaluation takes place. We recall our earlier years within the morning of our life, not necessarily accepting where we have traveled or what we have done. As we look back, we choose to move forward in a different direction. A direction that leads us to our purpose. What is that purpose? Only we have that answer.

The truth is we have lived our whole life on auto-pilot, never really paying attention to the details of life…only taking them for granted. It is time to reclaim our lives, it is time to make the change. Making the change, we see for the very first time.

Accepting Your Path

We all come to a point in our lives…a point of self-reflection…where we have gone and what we’ve contributed in life. It is the transition everyone must go through, taking us from the morning of our lives…to the afternoon of our lives. Carl Jung often referred to this as the shift into the afternoon of our lives. Those who transition find happiness and live happily ever after, but those who do not…go on miserably.

The mid-life crisis is labeled  for such an event.  A time when we must change the way we see things in life, letting go of our past experiences and what we have already learned. In letting go we lighten the load, as we embark on a new beginning of our lives. Again…those who make the shift, find happiness. Those who do not let go of the past will continue a “living death.” A living death is where we take up space, breathing in air, while slowly decaying away.

As long as we are green we are growing. Yellow, we are a dying fellow. Brown…we are down.

~Cal (at 5 years of age)

Shifting into the afternoon of our lives we instinctively look to fulfill a purpose, a purpose that many struggle to find. Sages, gurus, yogis and other enlightened beings often say we must “go within” to find our purpose. The formula for finding our purpose is so simple that many will shun the idea. Is there a yearning to do something wonderful within this lifetime? Is there an idea to explore since childhood? Chances are this is the answer we are looking for.

The dilemma comes with societal conditioning. We have been conditioned to think we need to make more money, needing to have a “real job,” or have a respected place in society. We can do this, running the risk of sacrificing our happiness or we can focus our intent on our happiness, running the risk of sacrificing our monetary returns. Chances are that the latter will not occur, for when we are driven by our passion of what we love to do…money will become natural. Do we focus on the money or the happiness? It is possible to have both, but remain focused on the happiness or quality of life.  Chances are…if you love what you do, you will profit by your success.

If, while making the shift, happiness is not present, then it is time for a change. Change towards happiness is always a good idea…make it now. Making the leap from the inactive side of infinity to the active side of infinity, our world becomes clearer, easier, and blissful. Synchronicity becomes more prevalent in our daily activities and ‘aha’ moments the same. Taking this leap may require a bit of labor and maybe even a bit of faith. Do you know of someone who has made a significant change in life, while going against the grain to what everyone else suggested they do? These are the Warriors who decide once and for all, it is time to be happy. Everything on the line, they take the leap.

Once a man has made a commitment to a way of life, he puts the greatest strength in the world behind him. It’s something we call Heart power. Once a man has made the commitment, nothing will stop him short of success. ~Vince Lombardi

We return now to a lesson from Ani Po…

Pondering the thought of standing firmly in Her beliefs, Ani Po reflects on the changes that she has made in Her life. From pilgrim to Warrior, with a single thought…Her life changes for ever. Realizing that She has stepped onto the path of Warrior, She knows She can never go back to the way it was.

With further reflection, She recalls a friend who is currently transitioning to the afterlife.

Now in hospice care the family says, ”He has suddenly become ill.” Ani Po knows differently and has known that he has been dying for some time. While we are all dying, this gentleman gave up on living about ten years ago and followed a path of darkness. Ani Po, for years, tried to get him to see Light but no success.

Ani Po: ”Why are you always so negative? Can’t you find positive in any given situation?”

Friend: ”No. I see things as they are and it isn’t always pretty.”

Ani Po: ”If you cannot find good in any given situation, then you are already dead.  Sadly, we think that things are horrible and that is the only reality we’ve ever known. Have you ever read The Death of Ivan Illych?”

”No Ani Po.”

”I would highly recommend it.”

What if my whole life was wrong? ~Ivan Illych

While Ani Po is saddened by Her friends health options, She respects Her friends decision to die, knowing that maybe this is how her friend chose to live his life…alone till the bitter end. The truth is that our world is a mirror image of how we see ourselves. If we are inspired and feel alive, then we go on living as such. If we feel the world has fallen around us, then we slowly decay until we reach death. We all have a choice to believe in negativity or positivity. One promises growth, the other death. While death is eminent, we do not have to leave this place in misery.

Stepping into the Canvas with indomitable spirit.  The only person who can conquer you is yourself. When someone brings negativity towards you, turn up the positivity. Step with confidence today knowing that your afternoon has arrived and it is about to get a lot Brighter. You are a Warrior and you are no longer afraid…

Finding Light Within The Darkness

We cannot understand up without defining down; right and left; in and out. Similarly it is the Darkness that often shows us the Light. Within our own Darkness Shines a Light of Hope. This is not duality but a whole…as one cannot exist without the other. Stepping into the Canvas, there is always potential for Light within the Darkness…

Whatever ones given situation presents, a possibility to see only the lighter side of things is at hand.  Even death, as saddening as it may be, there is always good to be found whilst not always easy to find. See the silver-lining in every cloud and paradise shall be yours. Caution: people will also accuse you of being crazy or even delusional. Simply ask them how their life is…and then ask them how that is going. It is time to try something new.

The majority of people live under one giant bell-curve, following the rest of the people while spinning their wheels on how to get out of the bell-curve. The goods news…we are not in this curve…we are on the outskirts of this bell-curve and possibly even shifting the curve! Dare to shift the bell-curve towards the Lighter Side of Infinity…allowing others to get just one more glimpse of Hope for all Humanity…leaving victim mentality behind forever.

There is a scientific study which proves the victim mentality. If we fill a bucket full of crabs, they will settle to the bottom. Once they are trapped within their confines of the bucket, one crab will attempt to get out. The saddening effect is when the other crabs are in acceptance of their misery and pull the crab, who attempts to escape, back into the bucket of misery. Similarly as humans, there are those who think differently and attempt to get out of the bucket of misery…only to be pulled back in. Stay strong…for they no longer have a grip on our actions.

Stepping into the Canvas in Darkness. Allow yourself to travel in darkness, closing your eyes to that around you. Entering the sacred space within, we see a flickering Light waiting to shine. This is the Light of Hope that will Light the way in darkened times. Be still, embrace the darkness only for moment…Now grasp the Light, allowing it to brighten the days ahead…Love, Light and Life.

This Is The Day Your Life Will Surely Change

Ever wonder what your purpose is? Ever wonder what You are supposed to do with your life? Have you taken the time to pamper yourself? Have your taken the time to just be still? All of these questions shall be answered…if only we took time to be present. Being present, sight becomes clearer. Being present, speech becomes softer. Being present, lends an attentive ear…

Stepping into the Canvas the wind called my name…“Ani Po”

wind calls my name

This is the day

Your life will surely change.

What you do with every breath, Every step,

Will determine tomorrow. It may not come,

But continue forward.

Your hands are His.

Your feet walk as His.

Your mind shall think like His.

Your Heart transplanted with His. With eyes of hope,

Thoughts in faith.

Your steps shall be with grace; Actions will be of peace.

Yesterday has passed

Leading to today.

Give thanks for every moment before…And to come.

This is the day your life will surely change.

When we change our direction towards that of happiness and positivity, we begin to hear things that we never heard before…what is that noise? Those are birds. And, if we listen closely…we may even hear them call our names.

Stepping into the Canvas with an Attentive Ear, listening for the beauty to sing. When we take time to enjoy the Canvas, it returns the message…declaring…I AM Here. Be here, Be Now…listen to the Canvas speak your name. Be Here, Be Now…whisper a soft return…thank you…I Love you. In stillness we are calmed, in calmness we are freed.
