Nearly Perfect in Every Way


Up and down the roller-coaster we go! One day up and one day we are down…we see suffering, we witness paradise. How we see the world is often a mirror image of what we see in our own mirror. To see paradise in the world, we must be able to see the divinity in the mirror of our soul.

To look into a mirror, can be scary.

One will see the true self, aged and worn.

Look past what we see,

find the beauty others see.

Why do we see their beauty,

but fail to see our own?

See what I see…for I see a divine being who is loved.

Look into thy mirror,

see the magnificence.


Look into thy mirror, see the beautiful creation.

The person staring back, either be friend or fo…the choice is ours.

The person staring back,

creates heaven on earth. Or, the opposing, if that is what they choose.

See what I see…for I see a divine being who is loved.

Stepping into the Canvas of our own reflection, seeing the Canvas of Life as we see fit.  We can choose to see grief and sadness or happiness and exhilaration as our guide.  While Pilgrim sees only the surface, Warrior sees deep within the soul.  Seeing deep within, she Loves deep without. Looking Beyond the Canvas of Life…we see a mirrored paradise…as within, so without.


Beauty Within 

It is said that our biggest enemy lurks within our own mirrors, sabotaging our true self from being loved. We gaze upon the mirror, judging relentlessly. The beauty is…this same mirror holds our greatest ally captive, we need only see Her in her truest form.

We  return  to  Ani  Po,  as  she  recently  visits  a  Pilgrim,  which  we  shall  know  him  as  Tidak Sini. This next story came to me in a vision. I entered a friend’s house, only to witness him covering all of the mirrors in his house. He was painting them so he no longer had to look at the pain and suffering.

Instead of embracing the pain and suffering as a guide to a more happy life, he covered the reflection of his past…never allowing the pain to be healed. Shortly after this vision, I experienced it first hand as I witnessed a friend doing this very thing. Part allegory, part real…I hope the message is understood…

Note:  Tidak Sini is Malay for ”Not  Here.” Ani  Po  is  Hebrew  for  ”I  am  Here.” While  the Warrior shall be called Ani Po, it seems only fitting to call the pilgrim Tidak Sini (not here).

As  Ani  Po  entered  Tidak’s  home,  She  heard  a  whisper…”Be  Open…Go  Beyond.” At  the sound of the wind, She knew this visit was no mistake.

Ani Po: ”Hello friend! What are you doing?”

TIdak: ”Nothing, just covering up all the mirrors in my house.” Ani Po: ”Why?”

Tidak: ”Because  I  am  tired  of  seeing  my  face  in  the  mirrors.   I  have  done  so  many  bad things in my life and ashamed. I judged people, called them bad names, and deliberately harmed them.”

Ani Po: ”I  am  sorry  to  hear  this.” Reaching  forward,  placing  hand  on  His  shoulder,  as  to say it was ok.”But you are human and we all make mistakes.”

TIdak: ”But I cannot forgive myself for what I have done.”

Ani Po:”Would it make you feel better If I forgave you?  Have you thought about going to your abused and asking for forgiveness?”

Tidak: ”No! I cannot.”

Ani Po: ”You could ask ’Great Spirit’ for forgiveness. Once we step into the Light of forgiveness, we are forgiven. Return to the old ways and we shall not. Removing paint-covered mirrors, only allows the true self to be seen. Why not remove the paint, ask for forgiveness and learn to Love the enemy within? See the enemy within as ally, and the enemy without shall become one too. What or how we see ourselves is how we see the other pilgrims around us. If we see only disgust within ourselves, chances are we see the disgust all around us.”

Tidak: ”So, are you saying I should learn Love within to have Love without?”

Ani Po: ”Exactly what I am saying.  Our inner beauty is exactly that and it takes a bit of chiseling to uncover the many layers of paint we have applied to our mirrors. When I walked in today,I heard a whisper that said ‘Go Beyond.’ I think that message was for you, going beyond what you see…”

Ani Po knows all too well…we can cover the mirrors for a temporary fix, but eventually looking deep within our souls, unlocking our true-self.

Stepping into the Canvas of our own reflection, seeing the Canvas of Life as we see fit. We can choose to see grief and sadness or happiness and exhilaration as our guide. While Pilgrim sees only the surface, Warrior sees deep within the soul. Seeing deep within, she Loves deep without.

All We Need Is Love

With so many holidays set aside for self reflections, we autonomously focus on what matters most…Love. Valentines’ Day is a time to celebrate one’s Love often expressed to another. It is also the second largest Hallmark moment, next to Christmas, and is often accompanied with greeting cards, flowers or even more extravagant gifts.

The origin of this festival had an entirely different meaning prior to the 5th century.  The earliest recordings state that the February festival was a time of an ancient fertility festival, dedicated to the Roman god of agriculture, Faunus, as well as the Roman founders Romulus and Remus. This festival was eventually banned by the Catholic church in the early 5th century.  Pope Gelasasius declared it a day of celebration, honoring patron Saint Vincent. The irony here is that many would still consider honoring a person as a form Idolatry, stemming from Paganism. Just as the Church deemed the fertility festival Paganism, they asked its followers to honor a Saint. In many eyes, both would be considered Idolatry.

Regardless of the detail, it does remain a festival of sharing Love…and there is no greater gift than sharing Love. However, should it be reserved for only one day? Can it be extended throughout the year? Can we adopt a belief system that shares Love and not hate? Can we all hear the sounds of John Lennon, as the Beatles sing…All we need is Love? Everyday should be Valentines Day.

Today, I challenge you to share Love with all your encounters as if it were Valentines Day.  Love does not have to be physical, but merely a kind thought towards someone. Sharing Love with another can change the whole day. Sharing Love with those closest to us…and furthest away if possible. It is not reserved for any one person or any one day, but it is meant to be shared by all…for all eternity. Love is the answer to all things.

Stepping into the Canvas with Love over-flowing.  Sharing our day in Love, we set a tone for a new beginning. A new beginning, filled with Love, Peace and Happiness…not the lack of. It is not reserved for some…but All-Inclusive. When we learn to Love freely, we learn the meaning of Agape. Love unconditionally and you shall know true freedom…


Darn near perfection…beautiful just the way you are.~Ani Po

Nobody is perfect or are they? Is it our perception or judgment that declares an imperfection? Truly I say to you, we are all perfect in our own ways and we are beautiful as the next.

Looking beyond the mirror of things, letting go of how we should be or things should be…we come to a place of accepting. Accepting others, accepting the self…as imperfectly perfect as we are. I am not perfect, but I am…so are you!

darn near perfect

Moment to Moment: Re-Writing the Canvas


In today’s fast world, it is nearly impossible to be stress free. I say nearly because it is possible. All it takes is a little practice. With practice…makes perfect!

Each new day is an opportunity for the present moment. From moment to moment, experience to experience, we can be fully in that moment. What does this mean? It means that when we are doing the dishes, we are fully in this moment of doing dishes, Enjoying the experience and miracle of being able to do so.

I’ve always known that I could create a life I desired, but never really understood how it worked. It wasn’t until my new discovery of happiness, eleven years ago, I realized it was all created in divine timing. From the time when I was three, being able to see visions of future, to current day of seeing beauty, magic, and happiness extending through my day.

Living in a world of labels and judgment, about how I should act or be, riding an up and down roller coaster. As I created my given situations, something inadvertently changed the outcomes. What was It? It was the labels and ideas of others that influenced my life.

Just the mere observation of an experiment can change the whole outcome.~Shmuel Gurvitz (Quantum Physicist)

What good are names? Labels? These are all man-made, with varying importance. We label things so we can understand what it is we are doing, who we are speaking to, or whatever. It is through labels we communicate with one another. I often forget people’s names, forget stories of the past, and don’t look too far into the future, because all I have is now. Currently driving to work next to me is a scooter with a man wearing a black leather jacket, leather gloves, and a shiny black helmet…but no one else on the road. I am fully committed to my day and the work that I do. Just as the Policeman keeping a driver safe and a tow truck pulling the car out of traffic, we all have purpose and an opportunity to share these moments. These observations are mine and mine alone…these are my moments to enjoy. I have mine and you have yours.

We all have this innate ability to be fully in the moment, enjoying every piece Of the canvas. Moment to moment, we arrive.~Ani Po


Arriving to our Destination, one moment at a time, we celebrate it as a new beginning. With new beginnings every second bringing endings of the same, celebrate these moments each and every day.

Stepping into the canvas with greenery all around, being fully in the moment, enjoying the Canvas laid before us. Whatever we do today, wherever we may go, know that happiness resides within us. It is this knowing of happiness, that it exists. To know happiness is to be happiness… Enjoy your day.

As we step out today, witnessing the surrounding beauty of the day, stop to give thanks. Give thanks for varying colors, varying smells, and various activities throughout the day. Within gratitude, we attract more to be grateful for…allowing a continuous flow of abundance to flow into our lives.

We could choose to see dullness of our days, suffering in the world, or we can choose to see the beauty of the day. This does not mean we ignore the suffering world. No, not at all. We merely bring awareness to the dwelling negativity attracting more negativity, allowing our attention to focus, more intently on that of positivity.


Are you currently complaining about your neighbor? Currently complaining about another? Do you see another person as Satan? Before you judge them or before you label them, have you fully taken time to understand them? Are you aware that every person is reflection of the self at some level of our being?

I see this often, judging another without full understanding their group or affiliations. Instead of getting to know the person, we often point fingers, highlighting their differences. How about getting to know them? Understand them? It is in our understanding of another, that we understand ourselves. To truly understand ourselves, we need to learn other cultures, other choices, and other beliefs. Respecting all, not necessarily following them, we understand ourselves as whole. In making whole, we stand firmly in our beliefs (with acceptance in our hearts for other persons’ beliefs).

The canvas of life has enough suffering in the world, the last thing we need is more negativity. How do we change this? It begins with the self. If you lash out at the children, scream at a coworker, label another as Satan or a whore, are you really spreading positive cheer throughout the day? Whether Christian, Muslim or Jew, are we following our teachings by spreading more negativity? Instead of positivity, we are merely spreading more negativity. The world does not need more negativity. Rewriting the canvas takes time and effort, like a painter who decides to change his own canvas…applying new paint.

As the painter evaluates the canvas before him, giving a pause, only to Begin anew. Clearing the canvas, the painter starts fresh with new paint, maybe a new brush, and a new idea. As the new idea begins to flow, so to…a new canvas.

We are all painters of our own Canvas. The Great Canvas before us, painted by the great I AM, is left for self-interpretation. It is up to self-interpretation, either negative or positive, good or evil. In retrospect there is no good or evil…only the whole.

Seeing the canvas of life as whole, we ourselves become whole. Letting go of self-judgment, self-interpretation of the Canvas, healing shall take place. In healing our own canvas of life, we are healing the grand picture laid out before us by the master painter…without judgment. Seeing the canvas of life as whole, enjoying all the differences within the canvas, becoming whole. In our wholeness, canvas of life becomes good once again.

Stepping into the Canvas with new supplies. With pen to paper, brush to canvas, our life is rewritten with a single stroke of a pen or brush. It is possible to wipe the slate clean, but equally possible to rewrite the Canvas of Life. Everything leading to this point in history has made you the beautiful, smart and powerful person that you are. True power comes from within, given freely…go now give of this power freely…live the life you were meant to…Live a Syncrosensational Life…You were born for this day!