Connected By Spirit

Have you ever had a serendipitous moment, when things just went right…or as I like to call it…a Syncrosensational moment? At this level, it seems even animals are speaking? When we are aligned with source energy, the Universe speaks through various channels…nature being one of them. Nature has a way of functioning with or without us, but more importantly aiding us along The Way. Those willing to listen will be guided by nature when necessary.

Ani Po was driving north on a local freeway, when a Hawk demanded her attention. As if speaking to her, the Hawk informed her of a coming lesson. With the Hawk perched high in the sky and her back towards Ani Po…she thinks “it is a message from above (via Spirit).” Just as this thought approaches her, another Hawk greets her from a lower stance. Perched below eye-level, she knows a message is coming from below (the flesh). Can it be another example of…as above, so below?

Completing her day as normal, she is leaving work awhile replaying message left by a friend. Her friend Mamani, left her message with a music composition and requested her review. As she reviewed the song, seven turkeys stopped her in her tracks. Bringing her truck to a complete stop, to let the turkeys pass, she hears a message, “connecting through spirit. As in the flesh, so shall the spirit be.”

Ani Po understood this message very clearly, as she knew it meant we are all connected. We are all connected, but there are often times many special connections we make. Those who walk inspired or in spirit, often times connect at the level of spirit…allowing to enter and exit as needed in each others lives. When one is down, another instinctively calls to cheer them, without real knowledge of anything being wrong. They call precisely as needed. Just as she received this lesson…Mamani calls her on the phone.

They were indeed connected in Spirit. They laughed at the connection through turkeys,  music,  and the Love they share. It gets better…

As Ani Po and Mamani share the lesson of life, Ani Po is greeted by another Hawk. This time facing her at eye-level, as if stating “well done, well done.” A Hawk perched facing away from Ani Po, usually means a lesson is coming. When the Hawk faces Ani Po, it means Her lesson was received. As the lesson closes, she considers “there is another lesson on the way.” Assuredly…a Hawk is perched with back to her…

Whether it is possible to connect at levels of Spirit or not, Ani Po knows the truth. For her, it is possible to connect at levels of spirit, allowing people to walk harmoniously on this Earthly plane. For her, messages from Spirit often come via the Hawk or other winged-friends. Walking in Spirit, she is connected to Mamani. Walking in Spirit, she connects with the Universal Life Force.

While Ani Po finds her way within the Canvas of Life, we too must learn from the many lessons laid before us. As one lesson is completed, another appears. Walking in flesh, connect by Spirit.

As we continue through our days, we walk in flesh whilst remaining connected in spirit. Connected in Spirit we move effortlessly throughout the Canvas, receiving messages along the way.

Stepping into the Canvas in Spirit. Walking in flesh, connected by Spirit, we collaborate with the Universal Life Force, allowing dormant forces to come alive…aiding in our journey of life. We coexist in this thing called life, living harmoniously at all plains…discovering life to be Syncrosensational.


Feeding Both Wolves

A day does not pass that I hear discussion of two sides to every story: silver-lining to every cloud, Brighter side to every story, positive outlook in a negative situation, etc. It is the struggle of men and women alike…a struggle of seeing life as beautiful when we have been taught to focus merely on the flaws of the paintings.

Nature is God’s Canvas and so is the everything in between. Our daily lives depict the life we live. How we see it is our own perception and how the others see it is theirs. How can one person see pure beauty, when there is killing and destruction wherever you look, while another person sees ‘Hell on Earth’ when so many miracles surround them? Merely one’s own perception or as the old Cherokee story discusses, within each and everyone of us there are two wolves…which one we feed shall live.

I contemplated this lesson of the two wolves as it parallels with the study of the Shadow. Carl Jung did extensive research on the shadow of modern man and came to a conclusion that humans are often crippled by their own darkened past. Learn to embrace the flaws and darkened past, the shadow sheds more light in areas of growth. Debbie Ford has written many books on this subject and allowed her own shadow to shine more light upon her life…leading her to a place of Peace, Love and Joy…on the most authentic plain and not just merely faking it. The Shadow Effect is her work on unearthing the negative past, while allowing new thoughts of a brighter future to emerge.

While the discussion of unearthing a darkened past comes forward, we are not suggesting you forget it. Instead…remember it. Everything that has happened up to this point in history has made us who we are: if you are a stronger person it is the result of many events, good and bad, giving you strength; if you are weakened, it has given you inquisitive thought, seeking more strength…eventually becoming the strong person you most desire. Whatever the scenario, you are not complete.


Our journey is never really finished: if we are enlightened, we have room for more growth and self-discovery; if we are laying naked in a pit, vulnerable as can be, we have much room for growth. Continue seeking what it is you are looking for…for the seekers shall find what they are looking for.

As long as you are green, you are growing.~six year-old

Debbie also makes reference to allowing your Shadow to come forward. She discusses anger as a strength. This was not easy for me to grasp, as I was dissolving my anger…until one day I witnessed my anger serve my highest need…

I was building a tree-house for my kids, when something went terribly wrong. I had built the base of the tree house on the ground and needed to hoist it into position, approximately fifteen feet into the air. This was not really a tree-house, but a free standing fort with a base and a house on top of the base. The tree-house was too heavy for me to erect and nobody was there to help. I could feel my helplessness setting in and a feeling of “I am never going to get this finished.” At that point, I just sat for a moment, contemplating how I could make this happen.

I sat quietly, asking the Divine to intervene and lending assistance. Not hearing a response, I attempted one more time. As the base of this fort began to fall once again…something inside me rose to the surface…it was anger. Yelling as loud as I could, as if bringing down the Thunder of my beloved…it was raised. It was at this moment I knew that I needed to feed both wolves. I was created with a black wolf and a white wolf for a reason. On this day I witnessed the Dark wolf shine…he had served me well.

My conclusion to this lesson was that we are not to starve either of the wolves within our being, but we are to feed them both. Thich Nhat Hanh, in his Anger: Wisdom for Cooling the Flames, discusses techniques for taming the anger within. He also discusses embracing the anger, as it is a part of you. As I have learned it may be necessary to unleash this emotion, but it is knowing when it serves our higher good.

Laughing as I write this…I texted a friend about feeling joy, as time permitted me to write. I texted “I am writing about wholeness and it is giving me a feeling of joy. Instead of wholeness, the auto text changed it to ‘whole mess.’ I find it amusing, thinking about the embracing of our messes in life, allowing us to find wholeness from our whole mess. Maybe I should title it “From Whole Mess to Wholeness?!”

Feed both wolves, walk in both universes; Left foot ego, right foot spirit.~Ani Po

Stepping into the Canvas in wholeness. As we set out to paint our Canvas of Life, we begin to paint over the old. Instead allow it to bleed through the new covering, utilizing the varying contrasts of the darkened colors of our past…blending with the vibrant colors of the new. We are both our darkened past and the brightened future…whichever we choose to see is who we will be in the now. Sit quietly, embrace the wholeness…from whole mess to wholeness…declare ‘I Am Here.’