Self-Realization: Because I Said So

As we travel through life, following advice of others and doing whatever everyone asks of us, we lose ourselves. In losing ourselves, we lose our true identity. Our true identity is that voice within, leading us here or there.

Following this voice we find happiness, abandoning that voice we are left in misery. Some are lucky to find it early, some never find it. It is stated eventually we all come to place of decisiveness…hopefully before it is too late.  Through decisiveness we declare I Am Here. As we discussed before the theory of Ani Po, Hebrew for I am here, we stand firmly in the beliefs of our own.

We no longer follow the crowd, but carve our own path. We no longer believe what we’ve heard in the past, only looking to the future. In declaring I am here, our whole psyche and make up changes. As our thoughts change it is said our world changes, this is true. As our world changes, we make it So.

When declaring I am here we are challenged by others who follow the belief system of the masses, challenging us to return to the false-self or maintain course to our true nature. In challenging our thoughts, we are asked how we know things…Humbly we declare, “because I said so.” In these simple words we adopt a self-declaration of I am here.

Tonight I met a friend for tea. With conversations of who we are and responsibilities we have come to know. Each of us understand our roles as parents, but also a higher purpose of shedding Light on darkened areas. We laughed in agreement that we, as humanity, waste so much energy on things that have no meaning in our lives. Losing sight of what matters, we fall victim to the belief system of the expected norm of society. We agreed we could both stay on course with the rest of the crowd or we could carve our path in life, creating it as we see fit.

“Things are not always as they appear.” ~Sandy Popov Abbatiello


This quote sticks with me, living each day in ‘the Now.’ We could see it as everyone else sees it or we can add our own belief to it, knowing it to be true. Whether it is true or not, we all have the innate knowing of what we perceive to be true…declaring ‘because I said so.’ This is the final step to self-actualization, the step that defines our own reality. When everyone else thinks we are crazy, we smile, giving gratitude for their observations…no longer worrying about what any one person thinks except our own reality to be true.


Stepping into the canvas with purpose, self-realization is activated within our being. Living authentically, we see everything as it is intended…beautiful in its own right. Returning to the self, we return to the beginning as what was meant to be…creative and awe-inspiring…each and every day.

Don’t Give Up

At the start of each day there is a calming sense of peace. Before all chaos enters our thought process we take a breath, gaining peace for our day. As the moon rests in the West and the sun begins to rise, so shall our days be filled with peace and joy. Just as in that first morning breath of gratitude…we give thanks.

Before we turn in the towel on any given moment, we should stop and think what matters most. If our days bring chaos, we still give thanks, yielding valuable lessons. In gratitude, we find hope…hope for a brighter day. In gratitude we change our old thought process to that of love. So no matter what comes our way, we never give up.

Recently I was asked to enter a Water Wing Classic. The water wing classic is a group of  men who enjoy swimming, choosing to swim somewhat competitively for personal gratification. By no means are they Olympians, but compete for bragging rights. Entering the water wing classic, I could feel my ego stirring. Afraid of losing because I hadn’t swum competitively in over 25 years and everything on the line. Lol…what was on the line…merely my EGO playing head games with me.

My ego made more out of it then needed be. As the competition began, I was transferred  to the beginning of my day…that moment of peace.  As I kicked off the wall, entering silence just beneath the water, gliding, streamlining before I took my first stroke. I took my first Breath. I thought to myself in that very moment, just before I took my first stroke and first breath, I am at one. As soon as I emerged from underwater, I took a breath and the chaos began.

Taking 12 strokes before my next breath, I breathe, giving it another go… three more strokes to go and I flipped… I turned. On my way back to the other side, loneliness surfaced, it was silence. In this very moment of swimming I am reminded how the human mind can trick us into thinking we are alone. I say to you… We surely are never alone. Then I hear screaming, chanting, splashing and more chaos…returning to my reality. I was never alone, only thought it so. Only a few more strokes to go and I’m to the other side. Losing steam, slowing down waiting to take to the finish line, I touch. I breathe and look around. Nobody else has finished: three people behind and one person quit. The person who quit was the challenger to this event.

With my adrenaline running high, I could feel my EGO rising to the top. I could feel my ego ready to speak, but then I stopped. I waited to hear what had happened. “My goggles came off!” Hearing this again my ego wanted to speak, but I checked it at the door. I recall countless times how my goggles had come off during the race and kept swimming. I said nothing and just took another breath. They challenged me to another race, but had nothing left. I said I can’t go on. They pleaded for a rematch and demanded I go another round. I asked for a minute to catch my breath and we had another go.

Now with everybody watching once again, the race was about to begin. Three, two, one… Go! Off we went. Again I am in a peaceful moment of silence, just under the surface, only to emerge to chaos of the day. Remembering peace within, briefly at the beginning of the day, carrying through my lane, chaos is extinguished. Even though chaos may come my way, the world may flip upside down; I remain calm, focused on my strokes within my lane…within my day.

It is not important about how fast we get through the day, or how strong of a swimmer we may be, what matters is the enjoyment of each race. Enjoyment of our days can speak a thousand words.

The lesson of the day, complements of my challenger, Never Give Up. It was a friendly race and many lessons were learned, most significantly was the path taken my whole life. I’ve been through many challenges and many races, even giving up on one or two of those races myself. Learning from these lessons, I learned no matter how I finished the race I should never give up…always giving my all, accepting the results of my day.

Life can throw us many challenges, some big, some small, but in the face of adversity we rise to any occasion. No matter what comes our way, just breathe, stay calm and remain in peace. Remaining in peace we are peace, thinking with a clearer head, allowing for better resolutions.

Witnessing myself through another person’s eyes, I could see myself giving up. Until one decisive day, “no more… I will no longer give up. I will accept defeat and whatever comes my way. I will give my best and accept the results with pride.”

As a witness through another person’s eyes, I gained an understanding. Understanding for the other person, allowing myself to ease up just a little bit, I learned in that brief moment of swimming my job here is not to beat somebody, but to raise them up. If I continue to beat the tar out of my opponent, I will never allow them to grow. Now it’s not to say that they couldn’t grow from being defeated… chances are their dreams of growth will be squelched. Easing up just a little bit giving them hope, giving them a winning chance. In the breath of hope they see the light, bringing them to a higher vibration…that of hope and love. In this higher vibration…we can do all things.

This day has proven so many lessons thus far, but surely more to come. The universe speaks in mysterious ways and those willing to hear it shall understand the lesson at hand. Arriving at work, a coworker is anxious to tell about her dreams on not giving up. I smiled as we spontaneously began laughing…although she didn’t know why she was laughing. We laughed because the universe was speaking through us giving us the lesson of Don’t Give Up.

If at first we lose a race, we look to brighter days in hopes of winning the race. Just the same, if our days bring clouds…we look to brighter days to bring us sunshine. No matter what comes our way, we merely smile, focusing on our end results.

What we focus on, shall become our reality.~Ani Po

Stepping into the Canvas with a ‘Can Do’ attitude, never giving up. Moving forward, accepting what comes our way, we adjust our actions, change our course…or the like…to aid in the end result of our intentions. That which we give our attention, our reality is formed. If we merely focus on the negative aspects of life, we shall remain there. If we focus on the positive…so shall be the same.