What is Real?

If you can imagine it…it is real.-Ani Po

I spent my whole life believing in things that eventually were proven false. What was reality one day became a fantasy in the next. What was fantasy before is now reality. What is real?

If we can dream it, then it can manifest as truth. Seeing and believing become a reality that many will doubt or call us insane….dream anyway. The power of our dreams may just change our course of history…


Dreams to Reality

New slate, new possibility.

Blank, waiting for details anew.

No thoughts, Void.

Dreams to reality,

Repainting into existence.

Silent dreams that once were,

Come forth upon the radar.

Belief set in motion,

Fire burning life ablaze.

Stepping into the Canvas repainting dreams to reality. With new canvas at play, free to place upon the Canvas that which we most desire.~Ani Po

dreams to reality