True Peace

True peace is not something found or learned, but accepted.~Ani Po

No amount of information or guidance will help without first accepting the path of peace. One cannot learn how to be peaceful, but can accept to be peace. If the day proves difficult or is not going as planned, simply allow it to show the areas necessary for growth. Find peace within, have without…

true peace


Add Color to my Sunset Sky

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.~Rabindranath Tagore

Just as the clouds do not taint the skies but enhance them, so to our days get clouded by negative people or situations. Instead of allowing them to ruin the day try allowing them to bring beauty to the day. In doing so, we are left with a beautiful Canvas each and every day…

add color to my sunset sky