Confines of Our Minds

Nothing in this world exists except in the confines of our minds. What we seek is to sharpen these skills, becoming a greater conduit for the ‘greater good.’~Ani Po

Everything exists in our own minds: every thought of lack and every thought of gain. Whatever we focus on is what we get. Focus on lack and we get more lack; focus on gain and we add more gain. Everything that was ever thought of exists today…why not use it to our advantage?

confines of our minds


Keep Stillness Inside Of You

In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.~Deepak Chopra

One of my greatest fears was going into a crowded room, filled with noise and many people. It brought great chaos within. Then I faced this fear, entering the crowded room…instilling peace. As my intention set forth, the room became peaceful…only to find out it was my own chaos all along…

keep stillnes inside of you