Washed Away

Photo by Linus Nylund on Unsplash

Sitting with timeless moments
Back and forth
Past and future
Remaining still as timelines flash before
Transported back to a place of misery
Pain inflicting
Scars leaving trails into sunsets
Triggered once again
Sedentary caught in purging surge


Integrated reality comes to
Mornings waking call
Scar disappeared
Once present
Not forgotten
But how is the physical altered by the Psyche?
It just is.

~Ani Po


Colliding Metaphor

Looking Within

Photo by Roseanna Smith on Unsplash

Shallow flesh hanging mirror
diving deeper
twin thought dreams reality.
Walls stripped naked
carpet pulled underfoot.
Tackling serpent
clogging foundation
twisted reality of sorts.

Deep within cavernous thought
paralleled realities.
Inner greeting outer
gentle kiss mighty roar.
Stern bowing unmoved
fluid, free, we shall be.

Daytime mirrored by night
third eye translating
inner fusion
outer surrounding perception.
Within inner cavernous thought
equivalent conscious, subconscious, super-conscious
extending physical body.

Deep into mirrored reality
inner outer worlds
colliding metaphor
life becoming as It Is.

~ Ani Po