In the morning of my life it was all about me, me, me and where or what I was going to conquer next. Entering the afternoon of my life, it no longer is about me, but everyone else. Contemplating my own life’s journey and where hit has brought me, it is time to refocus and give back to the world.
Caught up in the rat race of every day life, I grew accustomed to what everyone else found normal. How much stuff will I accumulate, how much money I will bring in. Not that money is good or bad, but where was the focus? Was my intent to gain only monetary value or was my intent on being successful on a grander scale?
If my only concern was with money or how much stuff I will accumulate, then assuredly I would always feel empty…never being truly satisfied.
On a recent trip to Peru, I was enlightened to the fact that many communities live well below poverty standards, but yet they are happy. How is this so? Are they accustomed to living in poverty? or are they accustomed to being appreciative to what they have?
There might be a little of both here, but it is without a doubt that if we only accept the Canvas of Life as it is, with much higher appreciation, then we ourselves will learn from what the Canvas presents to us. Through appreciation of having enough, we accelerate without limitations…forward into a new reality of giving selflessly to those nearest us or to the far extensions of humanity.
My wife, my family, my friends – they’ve all taught me things about love and what that emotion really means. In a nutshell, loving someone is about giving, not receiving.~Nicholas Sparks
Through appreciation of where or how we arrived in our current situations, we instinctively adopt a new philosophy…that of having more than enough. Having more than enough…we again, instinctively look to give it all away.
Stepping into the Canvas in a state of giving. In giving, we are receiving. No matter the path that leads us to our reality, we accept it as it is and move on…in true happiness. Just for today, reach out to another, make their day…give selflessly…painting a new Reality within the Canvas of Life.
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