That Light Within

The colors upon the Canvas, the Poetry from your lips…comes for that Light Within.~Ani Po

It is waiting for your calling, allowing it to come forth. Whether you choose to paint, write or create a positive environment, it is your choice to put the Call to Action. The time is now. Why not start today…it is a perfect day to Co-Create within the Canvas…

that light within

Illuminate the World

Know what sparks the Light in you. Then use that Light to illuminate the world.~Oprah Winfrey

We all seek it but fail to see it. That spark that lay dormant within us…waiting to Light the way to a new beginning. It is a Divine spark but we fail to see it. Our gift is in the Love we have for what we do or aspire to do…do it now…ignite that spark…see where that Light may lead…

Illuminate the world