New Directions Await

Just when I thought I knew it all…I realize I know very little. New directions await and new destinations at foot.~Ani Po

Today’s reality is just that…today’s. Whether it is going as planned or not so much, more opportunity awaits in the tomorrow’s of our days. If we remain in the misery of today, we may never get to the mystery of tomorrow. Let go of what holds us down, knowing deep down…all will be good…

new directions await

Slow But Steady Wins The Race

Slow but steady wins the race.~Aesop

We are all in a hurry to find that one thing, or complete happiness…relax, it is on the way. Everything exists in the confines of our own thought. Do not rush it, allow it…and it shall be so. Force it and may never be so, allow it and it will always arrive. See it, believe it and know it to be true. In divine timing it is so…

slow but steady