Is it Enough?

Is it enough? ~Ani Po

Backed into a corner, with no place to run. With no shelter to comfort us, we are left alone…contemplating our given situation. With questions such as this, we come to another fork in the road…in one direction we can walk away, giving instant gratification…ultimately leaving us empty inside; the other forcing us to re-evaluate our journey…giving ever-lasting Happiness. Which path do we choose? What direction must we take? That is left to us…and our inward journey…

Is it enough

The Power of a Touch

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.~Leo Buscaglia

It does not take elaborate gifts or expensive toys, to bring smiles to another persons face. As Leo Buscaglia reminds us it is the simple things in life that brings us greatest joy, we are to extend a friendly hand, a smile or kind gesture to brighten another persons day. Try it, just for today…see the rewards…then repeat again tomorrow…

leo buscaglia quote