Making Room

Heart beating rapidly,

Yielding to its desire.

Restlessness, stirring…like never before.

Peace, Love, Happiness Filling my heart.


The old has gone away,

Making room for the new.


Grasping, embracing, and nurturing this new desire.

Soul singing, heart pounding and loving all the same.

Giving everything that I have; expecting nothing in return.

I thank you for the time we spent together; whilst  not forget.

Creation Speaks

Speechless, is what comes to mind;

nothing to say or any thoughts.

This silence is both friend and fo;

simply choose.

Choose the friendlier of the two,

For that is where peace is found.

Choose the latter, and

Fear implanted in our heads.


Emptiness fills my soul;

I have nothing, therefore I am nothing.

Hah!  Nothing is everything.

To be nothing or have nothing is where freedom can be found.

For in this nothingness,

we see everything.


The Universe speaks, but we fail to listen.

The Universe has all the answers,

But we fail to ask.

Ask now what the hearts desire,

And it shall be so.

Seek to be filled to the rim,

And it shall spill unto all we meet.


Close our eyes,

Listen…for Creation Speaks.