One with You

I am one with you,

you are one with me.

I smile and you smile back.

I grimace and you grimace back.

I look to the heavens,

and they shine down on me.

I look to God above,

and She looks upon me.


Eyes shut,  I see no longer;

a new world begins.

I hear voices all around me,

mostly self thoughts.

Why have I not seen so clearly before?


I failed to see the darkness…




We live in world of hate and evil;

Or Love and Peace if that is what we choose.

Choose the latter is what we ought;

For peace and love will truly set us free.


See the beauty in all of creation;

Not the imperfections of one sitting across from us.

Encourage, praise, and show gratitude;

That is all that is expected of us.


Praise our neighbor and watch them shine;

Encourage our children and watch them grow.

Be grateful not only for where we have gone or what we have done;

Be grateful for everyone and everything that is around.


The hardest person to praise and show our gratitude

Is to the person who stares back.

This person can be found on the waters;

Or in the presence of shiny spoon.


This person being ourselves;

Is the person who is hardest to encourage and praise.

Love that person to the fullest;

Be grateful for the accomplishments.


For without our reflection we may not look within.

Live a life of gratitude, instill peace throughout, and encourage the growth within.


May your day be filled with Loving Peace!