Tag Archives: fear
Do or Don’t Do
“Trying is lying. There is no such thing as trying. You do it or you don’t. You get results in life or you have excuses why you didn’t.
When people say, ‘I’ll try,’ they usually mean, ‘I’m not going to do it now.”
— Dick Sutphen
This quote reminds me of a quote often on playback from Star Wars. Yoda is in the swamp with Luke Skywalker and he says, “Do or don’t Do, there is no Try.” How often do we say that we are going to do something, but never get around to it. Saying we will try is like saying I don’t have the strength or time to commit.
Is there something that you are currently stuck in? Is there a self-defeating thought you continually dwell in? Look at your given situation from a different perspective and see the opposing force…what is it? The opposing force is probably what you truly want and not what keeps popping into your mainstream. If you continue to dwell in what you do not want, that is exactly where you will remain. It is time to see things differently and apply the ‘Law of Attraction,’ attracting only which you want in life. It may take some practice, but make the committment to change your thoughts and have a ‘Do” attitude.
Today I will…fill in the blank.
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