Have you ever thought of what it would be like if you’ve lost everything? Attaching to things, materials, ideas, we never really know what we hold onto. Objects or thoughts of what life is suppose to be like? Does anyone really know?
What we really hold onto is something we just can’t grasp. The construct of the mind cannot grasp that which is not seen, so we seek shelter in fitness centers for our workouts, churches for prayer, schools for education, but yet none of it is found within the construct of those walls. Then where is it? Where is that “it” we are to find?
What we seek, dwells within the heart of man. Instead of going inward, we tend to look outward. Eventually we come to a place without walls…no boundaries. A place not confined by the human mind, but opened by the vast spirit of the self. Spiritual beings within the confines of flesh, trapped within the confines of the human mind…we remain as human. Dissolving the flesh we are left with Spirit.
This morning when I arrived at the gym, for my daily workout, I realized my notebook with 10 years of workouts was gone. My first response, as most of us do, was fear. Letting go of this fear, I grasped hope. Hope that someone turned it in. Thirdly I looked to faith that all will be well. Arriving at the third lesson, I am reminded of returning to the beginning. What this means is we can either remain in misery of fear, return to what we know or an even greater journey of learning from our past. For me it was time to start a new cycle…a cycle without cycles…simply allowing the universe to flow through me.
Just as my morning workout taught me, I am reminded of all things in life. As we hold on to what was, we never really understand what could be. Letting go, we receive something greater… Something that cannot be held within the hand but in the heart.
We all know what it is we are to do, but forget how to take the steps. When we stop listening to what others say we should or should not be doing, we simply allow our truth to come forward. We start living authentically as we came here to do…no self-judgment, no regrets.
Thankfully, my notebook was turned in by a good Samaritan at the front desk.
As I received my notebook with 10 years of work within it, I am relieved. Relieved not only for what this kind person has done, but for the lesson that presented me.
As I pondered the lesson, I chose to share with someone. That someone reiterated “maybe it’s time to go back to the beginning.” As I smiled in confirmation, I reflect on my journey back to the beginning. Losing what I know, a new lesson unfolds before me today. I would not be here without first letting go.
As if the notebook had become my own flesh, I am left empty inside with thoughts of incompleteness and fear. Letting go of the notebook and my own flesh, I am free once again to soar with the Spirit of the Eagle. Flying higher than ever before…anticipating my next flight.
Stepping into the Canvas Losing Everything. With empty hands and no thoughts of what life “should” be, I am free to explore what could be…

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