When we were younger we used to think of all the things we could get our hands on; where we might go later in life; or how many toys and material things we could acquire. Back then things were a lot simpler…all we needed were friends, playtime, and toys to fill our needs.
As we get older our needs change. Not really…as the basic needs always remain. Air, water, rest…is all we need. But there is something more…we need interaction with people, friends, and family.
Before I got married my needs were to settle down, get married, get a house, get a couple of dogs, get some new cars, etc. Attaining these things something still remained missing Never really put my finger on it until now. It was me. Authentically positively me.
My writing has slowed to a near stop as of late. Maybe the universe is setting the stage for a pause, to contemplate more deeply…further into my soul. Finding the meaning of life.
When my son was seven, I was going through a great change. Change of the self, transitioning from Ego-based consciousness to more Spirit-filled life. So I asked him what the meaning of life was. He explained “just live.” The answer was so profound and so simple…it was the meaning of life. Now it has changed…yet again.
As the ego tries to wrap it’s fingers around the concept of man, spirit let’s go…soars high into the sky…the deep blue, fluffy cloud-filled sky. The meaning of life is not just to live, but whatever we choose to fill it with. The meaning of life comes down to choice of how we want to fill of the canvas of life.
Meaning within the Canvas is about Stepping into the canvas on purpose, purposefully filling the day with joy and happiness or whatever comes to mind. From this day forward it is truly a new opportunity to do what we choose. It is a new day to find freedom. Freedom not won on any battlefield, but within our own hearts. We are born to be free…we are Born to Live.

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