Who We Already Are

Our job in this life is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be, but to find out who we already are and become it.~Steven Pressfield

At some point in time, during the age of twelve and thirty-five, we lose ourselves in the monotony and the deception of the masses. Fortunately we all seek to reclaim what was lost. We instinctively had an idea of who we were, but told we need to find what we are looking for. At any early age we are taught to seek what we are not.

Today is the day to reclaim who we already are. Today is the day we state, “I am smart; I am funny; I am good looking: I am whatever I choose to be today.” Step into the Canvas with a knowing…knowing that you are right on time and not one person can take that moment away from you. Time to become ‘it.’

Who we already are


Pursuing Dreams

It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.~Gabriel Garcia Marquez

A young boy once reminded me of this lesson, “As long as we are green we are growing; Yellow a dying fellow; Brown…we are down.” Knowing exactly what he meant, as we are to keep our dreams alive. Once we let go of, or allow someone else to dissuade us, we lose sight of matters most. To stay green and growing, we need only keep our dreams alive.

Stepping into the Canvas with Dreams alive we accelerate at exponential rates. With dreams alive, our actions align with that of vision, with vision…infinite possibilities…

pursuing dreams