Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.~H.Jackson Brown, Jr.
Too often filled with questions, dilemmas or situations that we do not like. Filled with fear, stuck in a rut…with nowhere to go. What do we do? Where do we turn?
More often than not it is as simple as going from our head to the heart. As children we did not think of how or why, but we just did what we needed to do. Either doing or asking for help, often failing…only to retry. If we did not understand something, we simply asked for guidance from a parent, a mentor, or the like…allowing us to go from point A to point B. As adults we have forgotten or have become stuck in our ways of complacency.
Stepping into the Canvas with our Heart eyes widened. With new eyes, we are given new opportunities. Opportunities of seeing a brighter outcomes, painting new pictures, getting to the places we seek to find.
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