The connection within nature has far greater speeds.~Ani Po
Not sure if this has happened to you or not, but chances are it has. Most everyone I know has lost their internet connection at least once. The story is usually the same…”oh my goodness, what do I do? My internet is out…I do not know what to do!” The reaction is usually that of despair, as if they just lost something of great value.
I smile, searching for higher meaning. We could say we are to disconnect or exercise patience…or we are merely to learn how to handle the suffering that comes from our lack. Regardless of the lesson, the truth remains. We are riddled with suffering over something taking control of our lives. Does our life end because internet connections are lost? Not at all!
Nature’s invitation is to reconnect with a greater internet speed…that of nature. No lost emails, no slow loading pages, no wifi outages, nope…nothing. The connection is always present, inviting us to connect with higher speeds.
Stepping into the Canvas disconnecting, only to reconnect. Connecting with faster internet speeds, we have infinite resources at our disposal.

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