Step Now

Step now for the time has come to put dreams into motion.~Ani Po

Time to put dreams into action, seeing a new reality unfold. Remain frozen and our dreams remain dormant until given proper attention and action. See it through, believe it so…and it shall be so.

Stepping into the Canvas with motion of the ocean. As the Canvas of Life ebbs and flows with the crashing waves, we learn the frequency and height of each. In the observation of things our outcomes take a new direction, aligning with thoughts and beliefs…it is so…

step now

Great Things

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.~Anatole Frances

We start with a dream…step one. We take note as to whether it resonates with us or not…step two. We act upon that which resonates with our being…step three. We believe…step four and most important.

Stepping into the Canvas in belief. As we begin each day with a dream we act upon a new reality. From dream to reality it is made so. Not by magic alone but belief and acting upon our dreams as such…

Great things