Dive! Dive! Dive!
Getting some bottom time

Recalling the last time I sported a BC and regulator — newest dive buddy a pure natural — tilting backwards off a little dingy boat into the Caribbean Sea. Or the time before — confronting a fisherman anchored to the protected reef — Captain, I am ready; give me the sign.
Dive! Dive! Dive!
Knife made ready — sinking to the bottom like a torpedo released by a sub — locating the anchor and cutting the line. Anchor as a trophy — adding to the Captain’s collection — a sense of fulfillment in saving the reef that day.
With groupers, jewfish, and various sharks — none the threat more than lack of human thought — piercing the heart of a local reef. The memories — logged for future gaze — warm my spirit, thinking that today is the day.
Today, I return to the sea — bottom time guaranteed — two boat dives as usual. Camera-ready — a sense of home calls me to the depths of the ocean floor.
~Ani Po
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