Peace Within the Canvas

To find peace within the Canvas of Life, one must look inward.~Ani Po

There is nothing we need to do, there is nothing we have to do…we merely are to be…observe and choose the path before us. Whatever our heart calls to, allow it to lead. Trust and see the magnificence of divine timing of all things.

Stepping into the Canvas with an inward gaze. Looking within, seeing without…we shall see the Canvas in brighter lights. Our own peace shall emanate into the world and peace shall be restored.

to find peace within


Predict the Future

The best way to predict the future us to create it.~Peter Drucker

We could try a crystal ball or check our tarot, but ultimately it comes down to choices we make, which shapes our future. While it may not turn out exactly as we wish, we are still creating the future. If it does not turn out in our favor, we have the ability to readjust the sails, until we catch the right winds.

Stepping into the Canvas with a creative mindset, allowing the Universe to conspire in our favor.  With every choice, every readjustment, we are aligning with our end goal. Keeping our eyes on the prize…it shall be ours for sure…

predict the future