Our Canvas of Life is a Mirror

Our Canvas of Life is a mirror image of that which we send out.~Ani Po

Share a smile and it spreads throughout the day. Share a kind gesture and surely the favor is returned. Sending out Love it is returned back to us in exponential value. Loving the Canvas of Life and the Canvas of Life showers us with her Love.

Stepping into the Canvas sending out the greatest gifts. With no strings attached we simply give of our Love…unconditionally. Worry not about the returns but value of that which you sent out into the world…

Canvas of Life is mirrored


What We Believe We Are

We are what we believe we are.~C.S.Lewis

Our Canvas of Life is dependent on beliefs we set into motion. We are what we have been taught to believe and we are everything we haven’t been taught. Merely a choice of who we are to become or what we are to do. Whether we choose to do as we are told or breaking away from the norm.

Stepping into the Canvas with a new belief. New thoughts, new beliefs…we are ready to change the world as we see fit. If we can think it, we become it; It is our imagination that is the bridge to a new reality. We are building bridges as we think…

We are what we believe