Feed a Hundred People

If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.~Mother Teresa

Miracles often discovered in a single act of kindness. Whether big or small, single or many, it is in the single act of kindness that joy is felt. As we feed another, whether literally or metaphorically, we are giving of ourself to another freely.

One or thousands it is the same, but the single most important is that one encounter. Maybe that one encounter is our next step, our next act…be open to whatever is asked of us today.

Stepping into the Canvas with a hunger to feed the hungry. Whatever the morsel that is fed, may it be in Loving kindness…may it be unconditional…may it be exactly that which is needed.

feed just one


Shortcomings Prepare Us For Our Forthcomings

Our shortcomings prepare us for our forthcomings.~Ani Po

It is said that within every cloud there is a silver-lining, every darkened shadow there is a source of light. As we may not often see immediately, there is often a rainbow awaiting us at the end of our storm.

Stepping into the Canvas with patience and knowing. Patience for getting us through the darkened moments and knowingness that all will be better in the long run. With a knowing, even when there is no hope, that hope is always available and good things are coming.

our shortcomings