Breaking of the Shell

Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.~Khalil Gibran

If we crack an egg from the outside there is death, but if the egg is cracked from the inside there is new life. Meaning that all new ideas or birthing to new ideas will almost always come from the inner knowing within the self. It is the inward journey that leads us to the answers we seek.

breaking of shell



New Year, New You

New Year, New You…another golden opportunity to set intentions.~Ani Po

Every year we make goals for the coming year. Some will stick, some will pass. Whatever the goals may be, may happiness be a number one priority. Whatever brings us happiness…go do more of that!

Just as each New Year is an opportunity for setting intentions, it is the first step of each new day our intentions may or may not take hold. Each day…why not start out in gratitude? Each day…why not count those blessings? Being in a state of gratitude changes the steps throughout the day.

Wishing you a Happy New Year…a Happy New You!

New Year, New You