Love and Gratitude in our Hearts

It is you who taught me to love,

Unceasingly, whole-heartedly, unconditionally.

Good or bad, perceived as such,

I shall love thee more than ever.

From that first glimpse across the field,

I knew it was you who shall rescue me.

With each new day and every end,

My heart fills with gratitude.

No words, just an overwhelming sense of joy,

It was you who taught me to Love.

Stepping into the Canvas with Love and Gratitude in our hearts. With each new day and ending of such, we give thanks for more beauty and mystery within our canvas of the day. It is with an open heart we accept the Love pouring in, It is with an open Heart we send Love pouring out.

Love and gratitude in our hearts




Sitting Still

Sitting whilst time stands still.
Darkness to light
Breath in and breathe out.
As our moon passes by twice we complete our breath.
Our breath cycle is grander than the mere minute.
What is grander than the breath of life?

In any given moment we arrive or miss the mark.

As above so below.

Cyclical we are…until we are not.

Death and new birth.

We breathe in and we breathe out.

Thought, perception and new cosmos is born.

Stepping into the Canvas with a sense of knowing. Knowing that with every breath we are creating a reality. Whether heaven or hell, it is given unto us. With every thought, a new reality is born…careful…where dost want to go?

a sense of knowing