Connectedness to All There Is

Sit for a moment…

Ponder what led to this moment in time

Path leading to this spot

Momentarily disrupted by thought

Closed eyes

Quieting the mind

No thought

What is present?

What do you see?

Do you see the void?

Or vast openness of thought waiting to give birth?

Be still

Remain for moment

No thought.


Past falling off

Distant star ever coming visible

Breathe in

Intently present in thought

Breathe out

Equally letting go former speculation

Open eyes

Witnessing detail within the Canvas

Intricate and delightful

Outlining trees

Noted connectedness to All There Is.

What was closed

Now Opened


Now Vast.

Be Here

Be Now

Just Be.

~Ani Po

Repainting the Canvas

Within the Canvas of life there’s an opportunity of changing thought. One must want it, one must ask for it. Change does not come in the size of a pill, for this pill is unable to pass through our digestive track.

We look to our own tapestry in glimpse of sadness or gladness. Without the tools or willingness to repaint this tapestry, we remain in the same room of our own defeating thoughts. There are no chemical imbalances, cultural or familial beliefs holding back an individual willing to ask and receive a new tapestry.

Our reality has been painted and without enough understanding of color choice or media base, we are limited by our selection of tools. Without these tools we are limited as to how we repaint our tapestry into the masterpiece waiting to give birth upon this Canvas of Life.

It is our willingness to ask, willingness to receive, but most importantly…our willingness to broaden perspective bringing more vitality. Our reality is as closed off or opened to All there Is.

Ask, believe, receive…we are repainting the Canvas with every thought…

~Ani Po