Tending to the Soil Beneath our Feet

Our willingness to drop everything for another is much easier than self-care. When someone calls in need we can clear our schedules, making room for whatever necessary. But what about self? Can we do the same for self-care?

Issues may arise within our busy days and too often we say “I will tend to this later.” Tabling our thoughts and burying our dilemmas they go unnoticed and often grow out of control. Can we recognize when this happens? Can we sit with our dilemmas in search of whatever necessary in that moment?

Do we open our tool chest, looking for proper tools to clear the issues at hand? Or can we just sit with and learn from it assuring it will not surface again?

Like  a neglected garden, our weeds will grow, strangling the plants baring fruit. We must tend to the soil beneath, while pulling any unwanted weeds within. There is no need for digging our heals into the soil. Instead we collectively gather the soil between our fingertips…sifting and loving the soil bound by our soul.

Stepping into the Canvas tending to the soil beneath our feet…walking gracefully light-footed and heart filled…as we tend to our garden within…Ani Po

Sorting the Puzzle of Life

Like a new box of a 1,00 piece puzzle, we receive in our lives a thousand choices of how or where our days may go. Sitting, gazing at the box, we stress at how we are going to bring this puzzle together.

When establishing boundaries of the puzzle, we sort through for end pieces. Searching the box for straight-edged pieces until the border has been established. Similarly we sort through our lives for boundaries. Trying to keep order and confining our choices to the table in front of us. Stressing over how the layout may be or if we have capacity to even attempt assembling varying pieces, colors and shapes.

Frustration may show up, sense of overwhelming fear of how we will get things done…or maybe not. Maybe, like the puzzle…we sit with focused intent sorting through and placing pieces where needed. But what if they do not fit? Simply put the pieces aside and continue our focused search for the right fit.

Boom…a piece just dropped in without even seeing it coming.

There are those who have specific ways of sorting through their puzzle of life, just as in the 1,000 piece puzzle. Some go one piece at a time, trying to match ‘like’ colors and shapes. While others look for guidance, studying the box cover for layout and possible placement of a given piece.

There are no rules in doing our 1,000 piece puzzle. There are no rules to the puzzle of life. Is there a right and wrong to work our puzzles? Purists may accuse others of cheating, stating “seeking guidance first takes part of the fun out of in doing a puzzle.” But what if the color scheme and/ or shapes of pieces are too difficult? It does not matter. One piece at a time…lending potentially sorting through 1,000 pieces for that right fit and so on until an area or section is completed.

Then there are those who do not abide by rules of puzzle etiquette. Meaning they do not follow one set pattern or the next. Instead they assess the puzzle color scheme, studying the layout on the cover…allowing an invisible force to take over. No longer are they doing the puzzle but becoming one with the puzzle…allowing varying methods to present. While searching for a piece, combing over another with a strong desire to be placed into their masterpiece. They hear a call and pick it up, placing it with others within the puzzle…only to have the piece they were seeking appear at the surface of unused pieces remaining in the box.

Just as in life…when we try to hard to place our pieces into proper spaces, we invite frustration into our daily practice. Instead…can we affix our intent on a given area whilst remaining open to other areas unfolding? Setting no time parameters…just allowing ourselves to enjoy the moment of sitting with our puzzle of life. Some areas may take longer, so we allow ourselves to table an area of our lives, while enjoying as the puzzle begins to work through us…placing other pieces into play. Going with the flow, allowing things to play out, breathing, admiring the puzzle before us.

What if the puzzle proves to complicated? or frustration sets in? Walk away, take a break. Often times just stepping away is enough to allow our minds to reset, returning to joy within when we approach the table in attempt to assemble the 1,000 piece puzzle.

Maybe your puzzle is a 1,000 pieces of white golf balls print. Now what? May take a bit longer and different techniques used versus one that has prominent color variations. While one may be easier, the other lends more challenging. Again many varying puzzles for many varying challenges…which we choose is up to the challenges we are willing to tackle.

What if we lose interest in our puzzle? What if we complete it? Simple…box it up, store it away, do it again…or get a new puzzle.

The idea with working puzzles is being present, allowing all distractions to fall out of screen of focus. In this moment we focus on the puzzle at hand, enjoying every piece along the way. Working it for a moment, in length or not being able to walk away from the puzzle until we can see the clear picture of what may be.

Stepping into the Canvas with puzzle piece in hand…placing when and where appropriate. Allowing the rules to dissipate, allowing enjoyment to remain our focus as we place our 1,000 piece puzzle before us.