Bridging the Gap Between Realities

Share a story with a friend.

Whether dreamworld

Or past event.

Forth right

Or past left.

Looking to unknown,

Making it known.

Stories unfold,

Healing begins.

From past to present,

Dreamworld to real-time.

Seeing with fresh eyes,

As if first time at all.




Bridging past and future.

See into the unknown,

Bridging the gap between realities.

Ani Po


Releasing Dragon into the Canvas

Spending our whole lives slaying Dragon,

Fears or inner demons.

Shadows of doubt,

Fiery strength unleashed.

Battle within,

Taken to the skies.

Night and day,

Season to season.

Give up,

Battle on.

Til the day we bow before Dragon.

Hearing messages of wisdom,

From times before.

Knowing and unknowing become the same,

Night and Day follow behind.

Past, Present and Future,

Fused as one.

Acknowledging, accepting,

As it is,

Soaring higher than before.

Feeding, taking flight,

Releasing Dragon into the Canvas.

~Ani Po