Mirrored by Love

It is what it is.

With difficulty of putting into words, I will attempt to translate. Some may resonate and others will not…that is ok.

Truth is…there is pain and suffering everywhere in our world. There is also a myriad of goodness. We focus merely on the pain and suffering without giving a deeper thought to it and we remain stuck in anxiety, fear or hatred of another.

Whether intrinsic or an outward gaze, we see what we wish to see in this world. Pain and suffering will always exist, but the ability to transcend our own darkness is a personal journey. In doing so does not mean we ignore suffering, we merely choose to live amidst the painted clouds of joy and gladness.

Every day is an opportunity to share in a dance with inspiration, inspiring others to see darkness or share in a guiding light. While vast and infinite, the choices we make, canvas we see…we paint as our visions unfold.

With a glimpse of hope, through a flickering light or a welcoming hand to guide us along, the choice remains as a self guided journey of such.

I am truly blessed to work with so many wonderful people. On a daily basis I am reminded of the vast stories we share. Our pain exists on many levels and our joy extends infinitely. We all may or may not have a moment of forgetfulness. A moment where we forget our own focus. Or maybe we have not?! Maybe our focus is meant to be on pain and suffering or on joy and gladness. Whatever the choices, I hold space for what others may seek.

No longer here to say this is right or wrong, good or evil…for it is all divine in its own being. The medicine we share amongst our people…may very well be exactly what is needed. As a greater whole the medicine shared in one area…brings balance to a greater whole.

Just last week I was truly inspired by another’s painful journey. I was not inspired by the pain and suffering but the flicker of hope I saw within him.

Sharing his story of past traumas, we brought it to the forefront of reality and held it for a moment. Shared in the wisdom it brought forward…experiencing pain hidden and the strength emerging as a result.

Shifting from pain we focused on its strength. Sharing in the medicine walking together into a darkened unknown…keeping focus on a little glimpse of light off in the distance.

His story touched my heart, my heart touched his. In that moment…we were mirrored by love.

On a deeper sense, Connecting at levels of the heart…mirrored by love…Ani Po

Stepping in the First of the Snow

I took a walk in the first snow.

Barefoot and emptied of what was.

Flakes still falling

Blanketing my self

Reminding me of the blanketed Love existing unconditionally.

From summers heat

And length of the day,

To warmth within

On shortened light of the days.

Simple reminders

Carry me into the darkness of the days,

Emitting Light of hope for self and other encounters.

Stepping in first of the snow, carrying warmth of summers day into the shadows of winter.~Ani Po