Knowing Our Family

We never really know the extent of family…until we are ‘with’ our family.~Ani Po

Not until we speak our truth do we know who they truly are. Freely speaking with loving heart, unattached to whether it is or not received. Speaking and taking note as if it is or it is not.

With a feeling or a sense of connection, we’d like to think we have made a deeper connection. Is it a deeper connection or merely feeling our deepest desires of such? It really does not matter…as long as truths are freely shared..



The Virus and the Cure

We are the virus and the cure.~Ani Po

Fear and anger exist in the mind, creating more distraught and disease. Accessing faith and love via the heart we come to a deeper understanding of being. Turning disease into ease.

The virus exists and so does the cure…where do we set our gaze? Removing our own masks, we allow our higher self and ingenuity to come forth. Problems become opportunities, chaos becomes sorted…breathing in uncertainty, breathing out with authority…

Stepping into the Canvas with brother sister raccoon. Removing masks of our own fears and disease, donning our own transformation and resourcefulness…allowing ease to present itself…