The Dance of Dusk to Dawn

Buzz, Buzz…kissing the reds and the yellows.

Buzz, Buzz…sharing the sweetness as we go.

Chirp, Chirp…singing for all to hear.

Chirp, Chirp…healing, allowing others to cheer.

Wisp, Wisp…fluttering passed my soul.

Whisp, Whisp…dancing from one heart to foal.

Blink, Blink…and it is gone.

Blink, Blink…the dance from dusk to dawn…Ani Po

We Remember Moments

We do not remember days, we remember moments.~Cesare Pavese

With each new day there’s an opportunity to create ‘that’ moment. A moment to be remembered. Why not make it special?

Stepping into the Canvas, whether big or small, new or old…making every moment special. For within each step, there lay dormant a heart-print of spirit. Why not release it for all to see…sharing a moment, creating a moment…remembering today as one of ‘those’ moments? May this be a moment to remember…