Deep Love to You

Deep Love to you.~Ani Po

On the hump day of our week, let love flow and peace walk with every step of the way. No matter the day, there’s an opportunity to rise to love and peace. Sharing…we transcend the mundane and irritating encounters of our day.

Stepping into the Canvas sending out deep love. This is our day, set with intentions of peace and love. May each step be reminded of our intent and each word spoken be that of love and kindness. There is plenty of fear within the day…why not fill it with love?!

Helping Self, Healing the World

I used to think helping others was the way to healing the world. Carrying groceries for someone struggling, holding a door for another. While these are all niceties and are noteworthy, still something remains missing.

Just the simplest form of holding a door for another. Brings great joy, but what about those who do not show gratitude for our good deed? Are we attached to the satisfaction we get from another’s gratitude? Our attachment will bring suffering sooner or later.

Remembering why we do things, if that is what we choose, letting go of outcomes or expected returns. Having no attachment to the deeds we do, our reward will be far greater. Sometimes it is merely worrying (or not worrying) about the self.

Helping self, we are healing the world…Ani Po