Emerge into the Light

Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light.~Helen Keller

During our darkest hours we hold onto that which cannot yet be seen. That which seems bleak shall be made congenial. There is no magic formula there is merely faith. It is through our faith that miracles often present.

Stepping into the Canvas in faith. No matter the Canvas of the day, we shall see it as miraculous as it was created. For our dreams shall be made true and our realities anew.

emerge into the light

Step Now

Step now for the time has come to put dreams into motion.~Ani Po

Time to put dreams into action, seeing a new reality unfold. Remain frozen and our dreams remain dormant until given proper attention and action. See it through, believe it so…and it shall be so.

Stepping into the Canvas with motion of the ocean. As the Canvas of Life ebbs and flows with the crashing waves, we learn the frequency and height of each. In the observation of things our outcomes take a new direction, aligning with thoughts and beliefs…it is so…

step now