Invisible to the Eye

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.~Antoine de Saint-Exupery

There really is no right or wrong way to see things, but merely a perceptual choice in how it is seen. One perspective sees through eyes of flesh, often deceived, while the other sees through eyes of the heart…seeing truth wherever its gaze.

invisible to the eye

Stop Time

Let us stop time,

Just briefly.

So that we may capture this moment;

For this life shall never be the same.

With every step,

We pause,

Capturing yet another frame.

Every breath,

Exchanging with sister tree.

Every thought,

Focused intently on blessing those around us.

As we see beauty around us,

In all its sacred mysteries,

We see ourselves as part of this greater whole.

I am here,

I am there…I am everywhere.

Stepping into the Canvas with intent of capturing a moment. A moment that shall pass as quickly as the next. Divinely as it should, in this moment as we stood. We see that which we might, given through Spirit’s sight. We feel with our hearts, not of flesh…no veil setting us apart…

capturing a moment