I Choose Me

Of all the people in the world I could be…I choose me.

Be true to thyself.

Ask “is this for me?”

Go when others say you cannot.

Dare to create the unknown.

Hold onto nothing…not even a single thought.

Play till heart is content…then play some more!

Sing and dance with inspiration.

Laugh and rejoice to each new day.

Of all the people in the world I could be…I choose me.~Ani Po




Past to Present, Present to Future

Seeking answers our thoughts are brought forth, intent to the forefront of thought process. Sitting at the cusp of our forefront and it is foretold unto self. From lesser reptilian brain to greater of the lobes. Our Frontal lights up with answers, creative juices…awaiting our wishes so that it may command.
Forgiveness of self or forgiveness of others, seeking higher perspective to any given situation. Forgiving self, accepting all possibilities as they unfold. On cellular level or Macroscopic proportions, a deeper understanding exists. To forgive is to forget? Forgetting does not mean the literal but letting go of its stronghold on thought process. Crippled by our own thoughts, we elevate to the foreground of consciousness. Sitting at the cusp it is foretold.
Within our own practice there’s an ability to go from past, or reptilian brain, to a higher possibility held within our frontal lobe or the forefront of the thought process. Foreknowledge, forward thinking…all bridged within seeking that which we search. It is our seeking that bridges thoughts from past to present, bringing us into a forever present moment.
From moment to moment we arrive in a place of paradise. Paradise entered through the heart, but through frontal thoughts the key exists.  For it is written unto thee, look to the heavens we shall. Third eye or higher perspective? From past to present, present to future it shall be written…it is foretold…
So I sit enjoying this space…Ani Po