Healing Self, Healing the World

As we step into the canvas of self, we paint a brighter picture for the world.~Ani Po

It is not our job to fix the world for it does not need fixing. What the world needs is work at the level of self. Healing self, Healing the world.

Through our inward journey of self-realization, we come to a conclusion that the world is as perfect as it is going to get. How we see it will change and how we feel will surely change. It is through self discovery and self-care we find happiness in any given moment. No matter the circumstance, we will find peace and happiness.

As we learn and grow at level of self, the world around us shifts. The world does not need help in fixing itself, but may require more awareness of others. Maintaining self, we learn to extend the same courtesy to mother earth.

We shift, the world shifts. We heal, the world heals. The world around us is merely an extension of self. As we step into the canvas we are stepping into awareness of self and the world around us.

Thought Between Thoughts

Thought between thought.
In a place of darkness and void there is a spark, a thought taking shape and form. This thought becomes my own, giving birth to a thousand galaxies in a single breath.
Observing thought between thoughts new realities are born…continuously and simultaneously. Witnessing and allowing.
Traveling to those in need. Giving hope to darkened reality. Giving breath to void, allowing others to breathe a new reality.
Stepping into the Canvas with no thoughts…just observation. Merely an observation of things creates new thought process and allows infinite possibilities to play out. May the thought between thoughts be filled with joy and love, mystery and awe…Ani Po