Sitting Quietly in Sacred Space

Sitting Quietly in Sacred Space

Subtleties all-around

Photo by Pauline 🦋📷 on Unsplash

Sitting quietly in sacred space or enjoying the natural sounds of surroundings, subtleties ever-present bring forth messages or mirrored thought in our reality. Is it a sign? A mirrored reflection of what is happening in our field of consciousness? Or is it a messenger requesting our attention?

If we are busy with our days, giving attention to everyone and everything else, is it possible to have awareness of the similarities, parallels of Conscious, subconscious and collective conscious at play?

We can. Being present in this moment, and the next, and the next, and so on. From the time we arise to new day sipping morning coffee, listening to New Song of Universe, to daily Steps within the Canvas and fully integrated from beginning to end.

What we have learned up to this moment in time to what comes next, intertwining realities as morphed thought process changes yet again. Sitting in sacred circle, listening to cries of the people, reflecting on personal past, present and future, a messenger scurries across the center of it all. Coincidence or purposeful messenger presenting to you?

Once merely a coincidence.

Twice maybe the same.

Third time in least of all places, same messenger appears…maybe it is time to pay attention? Little chippie carries message, sacred tune, from places unseen. Can message be heard? Is sight manifesting visible from unknown?

Pause speaks again in our present reality, inviting our Present Self in attendance. Do we heed the vibratory song carrying Familiars Tune? Stillness, awareness, observatory thought messengers present at hand.

*Smiling* These are my thoughts, carried through. I Am Present, I Am Here.

~Ani Po

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Unchanged, Unaltered, Remaining as it was in the beginning

Previously written

Unchanged, Unaltered, Remaining as it was in the beginning

Love is Truth

Photo by Cécile Brasseur on Unsplash

Your truth is not my truth
Their truth is not the others
Ever-changing truths
Switch-works of reality
Spoken and felt.


No longer true
Digging deeply into caverns of the soul
Flying higher than the atmosphere
Finding new truths
As they are made known
Ever-changing truths
New realities born unto thee
Like a chameleon
Changing colors
Blending in with surroundings
Standing out.


Clarity revealed
Your truth is not my truth
Theirs is not the others
Forced upon another does not make their truth
Gently inviting.


Adopted as truth
Many truths
Multitude realities
One holds firmly
Over them all
Love is truth.



Remains as it was in the beginning.

~Ani Po*

*While Ani Po has become a pen name of sorts, it still remains an invite for all to declare “I am here.” Ani Po in Hebrew translates to just that, bringing us to the present moment of knowing we are right where we ought to be.

We’ve come so far, yet do we really know where we are? Getting through darkened times, declaring who we are, survivors we are.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash