Urgent plea for Slowing Down

Urgent plea for Slowing Down

Taking flight with Hawk to get a birds-eye view

Photo by Elisa Stone on Unsplash

The alarm sounds — giving thanks — preparing for our day. Breakfast is made, the body is nourished — ready for what the day brings. Intending to bring peace and love to all we meet — heading out the door.

Ignition started — slowly making way to the open road. Breathing peace and love once more — with smiles on our faces, we head to the interstate in hopes of a smooth drive to our workday. Last light before the highway — turning onto the interstate.

Slowly accelerating to travel speed — it happens.

Merging onto the highway, the car to the left fails to let you in — deliberate acceleration of his vehicle. Breath stops for a moment. Choice presents — speed up to pass with anger, honk the horn in rage, or slow down and allow them to hurry about their day.

We are not in a hurry to spread love — we just do — slowing to allow hurried commuters to go on ahead. Breathing — peace and love as our passengers, we continue on the commute.

Not more than a mile up the road — greeted by another hurried individual — time riding our butts. Briefly our breath leaves us — choice — but this time with varying script.

Letting the hurried pass — exchanges of their hurried anger — flipping us off with an unfriendly gesture, as though we’re going a few miles over the speed limit was not adequate for their hurried lifestyle.

Blaming us for their morning commute, what do we do?

More choices — smile, wishing them well, returning unfriendly gestures or harboring their anger as our own — ruining the start of a beautiful day.

Luckily for us, it is a beautiful day — filled with many miracles forever in our favor — we are open to seeing them. Witnessing another miracle within the self — letting go of their anger — allowing peace and love to fill our vehicle once more.

Arriving at work, making way to your favorite parking space — cut off by someone you’ve never met. With a stern glare shot in our direction — choices — smile and allow this hurried person to take our spot, offer them silent blessings, lose our cool, get out to confront them, or simply pick another spot.

The workday begins with the intent of making a positive impact, yet something goes wrong with the equipment — engineers unavailable to fix it for a couple of hours — delaying the loving-kindness you so wished to share.

What to do?

Just be.

We are all faced with decisions — challenging the love and compassion existing within us. Our differences with those creating many conflicts — with good intent — wanting to impact the world. Our choices of how to be in any given situation — defined by our reaction to the day’s dilemmas. The angry people, the inadequate working conditions, the misfortunes in life — all present an opportunity to share loving kindness.

Mother Nature is a great teacher in how to be — she just is. No matter the slaughter of her sister trees — destruction of her beauty — giving selflessly to all — allowing enjoyment in her presence. Sadly, too few enjoy her company — getting caught up in the monotony of the day. Those who do risk being ‘weird’ — going out for walks in meadows — swimming in refreshing waters Mother provides.

For today, and all days forward, choose to be ‘weird’ — enjoying all that Mother Nature offers. When days get too burdensome, retreat to her quietest places — returning breath to Peace, Love and Happiness.

Stepping into the Canvas with hopes of being weird. No longer playing the game of the masses, but of the few who find peace and joy all around them. Taking note of the flowers in bloom, birds singing, the wind comforting our soul and Mother Nature as our guide — we take flight, gaining a higher perspective.

~Ani Po

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Returning to the Natural Flow of Life

Returning to the Natural Flow of Life

When the Levee Breaks

Photo by Justin Wilkens on Unsplash

Passing of storms blistering winds, blanketing powdery snows covering up fresh new growth — forsaken trees launching acorns at our felonious minds colored in bleak — fear-ridden spikes and valleys of darkened truths. Waterways flow, breaking the peak — levees built notwithstanding hold on realities buried beneath the seas.

Trying to get to Chicago man, not knowing which way to go. ~Mofo Bros

Pausing for a moment — remembering all paths leading to this place in time — before the beginning, returning to present-day and future tense — no longer in the arms of collective truths. Self-inflicted pain, self-realizing clarity of everything that ever was — budding actuality — daffodils reminded songs springing forth — growing new direction deep within our souls.

Photo by Михаил Павленко on Unsplash

Riverbeds rise — rains of inner terror mirroring a course taken by the masses — until the levee breaks. Free-flowing waters — cleansing spirits — entering in and out of lower, upper and middle grounds — broken for the last time — forgotten strength putting back the pieces of all there ever was.

Returning to the natural flow of life — ever-changing minds — thought processes switching directional pulls as the waves call us by name. When the levee breaks — releasing our grip on the pain-staking claim of holding on to yesterday’s car-crashing into another broken wall.

No direction in life — end nowhere in sight — unseen clarity of knowing this dream by day — night’s haunting memories waking us to the core. Bleak is the presented form of a toe-tapping theme song for yours and ours.

To the left, a darkened road, right shedding light on a brighter path — forward-moving — choosing nothing at all, rebuilding the dam holding back frozen fears of linear time-space infinite possibilities awaiting hands grasping touch. The world around us crumbling — feverish excitation manifold unfolding — no other choice — singing when the Levee Breaks.

~ Ani Po

Listening to the MoFo Bros sing away, as I write this piece. Giving thanks to Iva Hotko for her recent reply to a prompt by DiAmaya Dawn, inviting us to become aware of our surroundings: self, community and the world around us. Please give there work some love and share what comes to mind.

Thank you to Ravyne Hawke, for last weeks prompt and Diana C., jules and Spyder, for their continued love poured into this wonderful place we call home.

With loop pedal on full, the MoFo Bros sing us a little ditty from their basement. If you care to climb into my mind, gathering your own thoughts and feelings, please give it a listen, meditate or contemplate, then give the piece another go. What comes to mind?

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash