Holding Sacred Space

Holding Sacred Space

It is all sacred

Photo created by author on Superphoto 

A man searches the world for sacred space — finding it already under his feet. He sees pain and suffering — clouded by judgment — hatred, overlooking sacred space afoot.

Holding his own — for self, family, and community — sacred space grows in peace and love. With every step, the sacred grows. Acknowledging pain and suffering — natural beauty all around — it is so.

Kissing Mother with peace and love — stepping in sacred gifting of selfless fashioning — It Is So — we are dancing on sacred ground.

Sacred space present wherever we are. ~Ani Po

Looking back into the collective song, I remember the clattering of echoing screams of fallen angels, pleading with creation to cease tinnitus’s constant ring. Knowing now, what was blind to the fainted belief, the murmur of winds calling names, sight unseen made known in disbelief.

Integrated timelines of past — present to future folds — old dogma fallen to the wayside of relieving self-inflicted wounds and traumatic remembrance. Quietly forward is the thrust snare of tiny inner drumming — self-discovering — knowing it was all a dream — streaming consciousness from self and collective whisperings.

Alone, he sits — at first glance, knowing this — spirit all around acknowledging his presence. There he remains — on a back porch rocking about or overlooking the crashing waves somewhere in the Pacific — giving thanks for the path that led him to the present day.

In gratitude, he gives thanks for the hardships — the traumatic encounters — and the glorious memories bearing perma-grin lasting for eternity. Holding sacred space for self — holding sacred space for all who wish to enter.

Thank you Diana C., and the whole Know Thyself Heal Thyself family for holding this sacred space.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Captain’s Log


Captain’s Log

A bit overdue but I am making my way back

Picture by Author from current view for next twelve weeks

It has been a few weeks since I recorded words on a page, partly due to not having energy, being fully present, or in between worlds of reality. Nonetheless, I find my way back home to the page of Medium.

From the frozen tundra — holding its breath before unleashing inches, maybe even feet, of white powdery disturbance to some. Awaiting my departure to palm trees and pacific winds with new songs, gusts floating amidst the crashing tides.

All is well on the islands of dreams — traveling many days, even lifetimes, to arrive — yet another unknown in this chapter book’s awaited creative flair. One week under the belt — on the tail ends of a typhoon’s flooding perch — lingering mold and sewage paintings on the basement walls

Into the future, we arrive — with others a day in the past — finding ways to communicate. Channeling, astral traveling —  wherever — whatever — is needed at this moment in time.

Today is the first day of leisure — surfboard classic commencing as I gaze from balcony view. Lost in this moment — never wanting to return — I could stay here for infinity, but the universe pushes me back into the physical world.

As I write — Jesu wins the surfing competition — and bystanders roar in gladness. The horn sounds — the journey is over — I am back in this meat suit — awaiting the days to come.

For now — soaking in favor of the golden rays — with infinity pools promising infinite possibilities — I am home. Thousand miles between us — yet I feel your presence near — wish you were inches, toasting life in paradise.

We end there — as I return to my balcony of promised dreams.

~Ani Po

Thank you , for planting this seed — deep within Captain’s Log, and of course, the whole Know Thyself Heal Thyself family for holding this sacred space.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash