Not Knowing: Understanding All There Is

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Photo by May Finch on Unsplash

Thoughts of not knowing unsettling, ideas of knowing anything remain beyond comprehension. Proven the more we know, the less is truly certain. Breaking through all labels Ego attaches to, left with nothingness, freedom is at hand. Within nothingness, all creation exists. Discerning shedding light of darkness or if light and darkness even exist. Breaking through layers of Ego-mind, deduced to nothing. Is there darkness or merely the absence of light?

Silently sitting
Waiting for day’s begin
No one speaks
Only inner voice.

The wanderers enter
Aimlessly scattered.
The sound of the morning bell
Smells of morning-glory.

Everyone huddles
Around the pot of gold.
Wrapping hands
Around that first cup
The day begins.

Sound of the gong,
Everyone filing in place.
Second gong,
populace sits.

Bowed, greeting the day.
Mondo begins…

Who are you?

Who are you?
A Radiation Therapist

Who are you?
A Father,
A husband,
A friend.

Yes, but beneath that who are you?
A Divine being,
Who is Loved.

Beyond that who are you?

The chess game continues,
Until all that remains – nothing.

One more question…who are you?

…Not Knowing.

~Ani Po

Stepping into the Canvas with clear openness to all things and ideas. Within vast openness, finding a narrow gate. ‘ All-inclusive’ becoming, loving unconditional emitting. Emanating Love unconditionally, Universal Love repaying the favor. Choosing to be a Canvas within a frame, remaining bound by self-set boundaries or frame-less, having no boundaries to our existence.

– – –

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration.

Joseph Lieungh

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Photo by Lucas Gallone on Unsplash

Man Who Lost His Sense of Smell

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Photo by Haus of Zeros on Unsplash

Man Who Lost His Sense of Smell

Battling Corona with a twist of lime – Poem


What began at the gym
wrestling iron strapping resistance
pushing to break limits
one more rep maxed out
massive pumps.
when asked do you have muscle soreness or body aches,
response naturally yes.
shortness of Breath?
Yes…just got back from the gym.

You must go home
seek medical attention
get tested.


Fuck it, I’m going out
trying the grouper fry
better than cod, haddock,
walleye, perch
maybe up there with sliced bread
until passing the descending curve
rumble goes the left flank
running and running
hours passing by
all fluids escaping.
Do you have a sore throat?
Yes…possible dehydration.

You must go home
seek medical attention
get tested.


Spores at alarming numbers
crawl space dusting bilateral nares
frontal congestion maxillary drain
Sneezing commence
Coughing air quality poor
a shit spike in temp
ten and two
All that’s lacking chill baby chill
Do you have any cough or congestion?
Fever or nausea?
Yes…my allergies are kicking my butt.

You must go home
seek medical attention
get tested.


Poor fellow
arriving for the third time
testing twice with cranial scrape
thrice merely nose picker for fifteen
after losing the sense of smell
as every morning
smelling his favorite Sapphire
blue bottle giving off sans odor
this time for sure he thought
off to the races checking again
Testing negative a forth
only to find his daughter
watering down his fifth.

Joseph Lieungh