Holding Sacred Space

Holding Sacred Space

It is all sacred

Photo created by author on Superphoto 

A man searches the world for sacred space — finding it already under his feet. He sees pain and suffering — clouded by judgment — hatred, overlooking sacred space afoot.

Holding his own — for self, family, and community — sacred space grows in peace and love. With every step, the sacred grows. Acknowledging pain and suffering — natural beauty all around — it is so.

Kissing Mother with peace and love — stepping in sacred gifting of selfless fashioning — It Is So — we are dancing on sacred ground.

Sacred space present wherever we are. ~Ani Po

Looking back into the collective song, I remember the clattering of echoing screams of fallen angels, pleading with creation to cease tinnitus’s constant ring. Knowing now, what was blind to the fainted belief, the murmur of winds calling names, sight unseen made known in disbelief.

Integrated timelines of past — present to future folds — old dogma fallen to the wayside of relieving self-inflicted wounds and traumatic remembrance. Quietly forward is the thrust snare of tiny inner drumming — self-discovering — knowing it was all a dream — streaming consciousness from self and collective whisperings.

Alone, he sits — at first glance, knowing this — spirit all around acknowledging his presence. There he remains — on a back porch rocking about or overlooking the crashing waves somewhere in the Pacific — giving thanks for the path that led him to the present day.

In gratitude, he gives thanks for the hardships — the traumatic encounters — and the glorious memories bearing perma-grin lasting for eternity. Holding sacred space for self — holding sacred space for all who wish to enter.

Thank you Diana C., and the whole Know Thyself Heal Thyself family for holding this sacred space.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Neutral Bouyancy

Neutral Buoyancy

Returning to our breath

Image of author on recent dive, taken by Dive Tribe Guam

Forcing a wave or rushing a dive — expending air — depleting energetic homeostasis. Enter the depths — deep within the sea of oceanic home welcoming embrace.

Deep dive — diving deeper — in unknown realities. Black butterflies flyby — mystical drawing of a daydreamer’s drifting thoughts — painting the Canvas of Life yet again, effortlessly.

Breathe in — up goes the buoyancy flow — rising with greater speeds if breath is left unchecked. Breathe out — down goes the rhythmic bobbing ascending to descend — rocket ships depth seeking return.



Every inhalation — releasing the rising pressures — returns the favorable exhalations. Like the ebb and flow of surfaced waves — we bob toward the stars — or sinking oblivion’s depths.

Balance is restored


Just as the sunken ship calls to the divers — like a mermaid calling to the seaman’s delight — the crashing waves command the surfer’s rite. Inner-world unfolding — outer-gaze withholding — one wrestles with the crashing sounds — the other effortlessly paddling in neutral buoyancy.

Mastering the breath — paddleboarder fusing — shredding with floating mysterious — onlookers perplexed by his presence. The others head straight in — hoping to catch a wave — whilst the master of breath — paddling parallel to crashing winds — glides right in.

~Ani Po

Image taken by Author

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash