The Way the Cookie Crumbles

Oh the deliciousness

Of your sweet makings.

Nourishing thought

Sweet intentions.

Compiled as whole

Circular or imperfect form.

Great fall

Upon us.


Into thousand of pieces.

Scattered across the floor,

Tears of heartache.

Gather the pieces

Enjoy it still.

Study makings of

Create a delightful recipe of own.

From the brokenness of another

Made whole once more.

Oh the deliciousness

Of our sweet makings.

Nourishing thought

Sweet intentions.

Compiled as whole

Circular or imperfect form.

The Way the Cookie Crumbles.

~Ani Po



Merely a Pencil

Take me into hand,

Share deepest desire.


Writing new chapter.

Painting new reality,

Merely a pencil.

Taken without thought,

Left unattended.

Stirred emotions come forth,

Projections of all sorts.

Freely I give myself,

Conversation engagement.

Take care,

In my presence.

Together writing wrongs,

Painting rights.

Sharing an infinite possibility,

The All in All.

Forget me not,

Where my heart sleeps.

Rendezvous by day or night,


Writing new chapter.

Painting new reality,

Merely a pencil.

~Ani Po