Confidently, Assuredly, and Accepting

From the beginning til very end, it is and always will be the intent to stir things within the Canvas of Life. With thoughts to provoke, nudge or just love unconditionally we learn together, walk together, dance with inspiration together.

What we see throughout the days may be clouded. What we feel…masked by emotions. What we hear not always on same frequency as our own.

Stepping into the Canvas together in fear, in love, in anger, with hope. Whatever the present moment yields, we walk together confidently, assuredly and accepting of the great unknown. Ani Po

Tending to the Soil Beneath our Feet

Our willingness to drop everything for another is much easier than self-care. When someone calls in need we can clear our schedules, making room for whatever necessary. But what about self? Can we do the same for self-care?

Issues may arise within our busy days and too often we say “I will tend to this later.” Tabling our thoughts and burying our dilemmas they go unnoticed and often grow out of control. Can we recognize when this happens? Can we sit with our dilemmas in search of whatever necessary in that moment?

Do we open our tool chest, looking for proper tools to clear the issues at hand? Or can we just sit with and learn from it assuring it will not surface again?

Like  a neglected garden, our weeds will grow, strangling the plants baring fruit. We must tend to the soil beneath, while pulling any unwanted weeds within. There is no need for digging our heals into the soil. Instead we collectively gather the soil between our fingertips…sifting and loving the soil bound by our soul.

Stepping into the Canvas tending to the soil beneath our feet…walking gracefully light-footed and heart filled…as we tend to our garden within…Ani Po