Out of the Ashes

Out of the ashes

A thousand lifetimes

Pain and misery

Remaining in smoldering bed

First breath



Family and friends


For all humanity

Rising from said past

Flying into future

With great focus

Cleansing breath

Just being

Balance restored

~Ani Po

Our Stories Connect Us to One Another

Deep within the Canvas of Life lay dormant a thousand story-lines. Stories of who we are, who we were and ultimately speaks as to where we are heading. These stories bridge gaps between one and another.
Unshared…connection is lost.
In sharing we connect on a deeper level, allowing a bond of sorts to take place. Often a healing voice is heard within stories as another connects with a given situation.
On a deeper level there is a greater connection of ‘all there is’…where words are no longer spoken. No need for revisiting story-lines as the story is all around. For now we focus on sharing the stories.
A friend of mine was having a difficult day with recent health. Battling to find a healthy disposition once again. With eyes of despair he looked to me for light of hope. Remaining in my own space, without telling him what to do or feel, I shared a story. His own story of getting dirty and having to wipe dirt from his sandals on nearly a daily basis, reminded me of difficult time of my own.
My brother called me one day in desperation. “I need your help. I have a clogged drain system at one of my properties and I need your generator in case I have to cut the power to the building.”
“Ok, I will meet you there.”
Arriving at the scene, my brother filled me in to what was happening and what is needed. We went to work.
We began at the drain stack. This is the central line of the drain system, spanning from floor to roof. With trying to snake out the clog from the main drain, we realized the clogged pipe was further into the foundation. The snake was unable to ‘rotor-rooter’ the problem, so we were going to have to do the ‘worse case scenario.’
We began cutting into the foundation of the house, with hopes of gaining access of clogged area.
With a gas-powered cement cutter my brother began cutting into the foundation. Cutting and removing broken pieces of the foundation we gained access to the pipe. With very specific measurements, my brother was able to find where the potential clog may be…we needed to cut into the pipe. Septic was already filling the basement and the clog needed to be cleared…he began cutting into the pipe.
Seconds into the process, muddy water began splattering me from head to toe. Now with mud covering my whole body my brother stopped to apologize, “Sorry dude.” No worries…let’s just get to the source of the problem. We continue to work at the situation. Pipe was cleared and we were given access to the clogged area. The clog was removed and we were able to put the pieces back together.
After telling the story to my friend “sometimes life can throw dirt at us, covering us from head to toe. If we remain focused on our situation the dirt can be cleared.”
This story was exactly what he needed as he relived a similar situation with his own brother. Covered head to toe with dirt…he knew the dirt was easily washed away.

In telling this story to friend, I not only connected with him…but I reconnected with my brother and in a way connected with his brother.

I give thanks for my brother, the situation (as dirty as it was), my friend and the deeper connection we shared…it was exactly what was needed.
We often feel we need to fix things, wanting to help others correct their own situations. But it is a greater gift to allow their own self-realization to step forward…healing on a deeper and longer lasting level.
Stepping into the Canvas recounting a story of old. Looking back, remaining present, our future shifts…as does the community around us. Our Stories Connect Us to One Another…our stories bridge gaps of past and future.~Ani Po